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Mira P.O.V

I stared at the paper in front of me. The frustration spiraling through me. I rubbed between my eye, these "letters" are burned into my memory.

Donovan got fed up with me a few days ago for not knowing my letters and numbers and I think this is my punishment. Beside from sleeping I haven't seen him, just this short, red haired man.

His voice was drilling this headache further into my skull.

"Now that you have memorized these, we can move to sentences." His heart shaped face made me want to punch it the more I looked. He pointed toward the board, the letters on it made me want to throw up. His small hands points to a few of the words, I wish I hadn't of told Donovan that I couldn't read. Maybe if I would of just pointed at something it would of fine and I could be sitting happily in a meeting with him.

He scribbles something down on a piece of paper and hands it to me. "Don't read this until you are with Donovan, no doubt he will love it." I took the paper in my hand and looked at the clock. 4:74, I think, Donovan should be home soon and then I can leave.

The thoughts of the other night flooded threw me, my hand met my neck where he had touched it. I suddenly wished the clock would go slower. He didn't bite me but the thought of him doing it scared me. He said he didn't think he would kill me so as long as I do what I'm told I should be fine.

"Alright, What is this word?" He pointed to my name on the board. I wish I was more clear in the fact I could read some words.

"Mira, my name." I had gotten more sarcastic with him over the past few days, not completely comfortable but enough to know he couldn't harm me. "I know a few words, just not all of them."

"Oh, well then I guess you can work on writing them." He handed me a few sheets of paper and a pencil. "When Donny gets home I'll let him know I gave you homework, It's only a few minutes so until then I guess do whatever it is pets do." I zoned out as he started mocking 'pets' knowing If I listened to his horrid voice another second I would lose it.

The sound of the door opening mixed me with joy that this was over for the day and fear that once this guy was gone something bad would happen.

"Hey Donny" His voice seamed as if he was going to laugh as he pushed on my back, something that seamed like a common trend amongst vampires. "Go ahead read what we learned today." A smile crossed his face as he pushed me to Donovan.

I looked down at the piece of paper, my hands had started to shake. The thought of not reading it and being punished more like this made me want to cry. It wasn't as bad as the chain room but I would much rather not be in trouble at all.

"F-For some rea-son I felt o-ooff all D-day." I paused thinking over the lines, reading the next ones the words hadn't made sense to me but when I glanced up I could see the pleased look Donovan had. " B-But yoou torned m-me own."

I looked up with a smile on my face only to be greeted with his flushed one. A laugh from behind me made me confused, Donovan's eyes showed nothing but uncomforted and rage at this point. I cowered, did I read it wrong?

"Did you really use the time I gave you with her to teach her a pick up line?" Donovan pushed past me and toward the red haired man. "You're excused for the day." He pulled him off the couch and the man laughed his way out of the room.

"Did... did I d-do it wrong?" I could feel the tear leaving my eyes and fear settle into my stomach. I had tried so hard, I listened for days to that guys horrid voice to please him.

"No, you did it fine." His voice was stern and harsh. The realization that we were alone hit me. He was upset and we where alone. He looked at me his eyes had turned a deep red. What I learned what was called the sun crossed his face as he looked me up and down.

Donovan made his way toward me, each step sent fear through me. Finally he spoke, "We have a dinner we have to be at, please just do what I say. Not talking might be the best option for you on this one." He grabbed my leash in his hands and clipped it to me. Leading me down the hundreds of hallways. My feet felt weak, finally we made it to a big table, he sat down pulling me into his lap. My legs hung off the chair and I squirmed slightly wanting away.

His lips got close to my ear, "Stop moving." I looked around to see that others had done that too. A few of them had their pets on the floor or standing behind them. "I'd rather you sit on something not dirty, I just had you shower last night." His voice was alarmingly calm compared to the anger that he had just shown.

The last few people took their seats and dinner started, some people talking and others just ate their food and left. Donovan ate his food making casual conversation with a few people.

"I see you haven't fed from her yet?" The girl from behind me spat out, almost if she was disgusted.

"No, I'm taking it slow. Self control." He paused for a second licking his lips. "I think I have had good self control so it might be soon." He rubbed his thumb in circles on my thigh as if he felt my anxiety pick up.

"I bit mine on the first day of having her. She was okay, she is holding me for now." Her voice had irritated me.

"Thanks for this conversation." Donovan slid me off his lap standing me up. "I have some things I need to attend to. I'll see you next week." He grabbed my leash and waved goodbye to what looked like a blond woman.

He led me back to his room in silence. I could hear myself struggle to get air into my lungs, the more I thought about what he had said. Soon? Will he hurt me? If it makes him happy then I'll do it. I'm his after all but it still scared me.

Donovan closed the door behind us and I felt my knees lock.

"I apologize for that Mira, it was unfair to you." He took my leash and unclipped it. I had learned that if i was in this room it was okay to not have a leash and he would just tell me what to do. I nodded to him, I'm not sure what apologize is but he seamed upset.

I remember that the teacher had told me when Donovan was upset i should offer myself, whatever that meant or try to do something to please him.

"M-Master?" He turned to me from his closet door and looked at me, he almost looked more angry.

"What?" His voice annoyed, I couldn't tell if it was from me or something else that had happened to day.

I thought back to the words I was told to use, I had heard a few people say them to father too and that seamed to please him.

"D-do you want m-me?"

He looked at me up and down before going into his closet. I can't help but wonder if I said the wrong thing again.

He came back out wearing a hoodie and a pair of flannel pants. He held another set of clothes in his hands and gave them to me, as he had done almost every night.

"I'll answer that after you change." He patted my head, he seemed calmer, so maybe I did help?

I turned to the bathroom to go change, his hand caught my arm. "Were you told to say that?" He almost purred the words, it was obvious that my offer hand made him happy.

"No" I tried to sound confidant in my answer. I had never lied before and the guilt immediately hit me after I did. He let go and I continued to the bathroom and changed into the shirt and pants he gave me. I brushed through my long black hair after taking it out of the braid and let it hang off my shoulders.

After I walked out I looked around for Donovan but I couldn't fine him, the dark had taken over my eyes.

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