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Donovan P.O. V

I squeezed my arms around Mira tightly, she was awake but not going to move until I decided. The smell of her hair filled my nose and I nuzzled my face to her neck, the small flinch of her back as my cold skin touched her made me hold her tighter.

I could feel her small rise and fall of her chest as she took each breath. It had been a few days since the conversation with my mother and every time I tried to explain or tell Mira I would change the subject quickly or someone would walk in. I kept making her sit closer to me or would put my arm around her when my parents are close by.

I took in a breath, the smell of her clean hair filled my nose, almost all my worry left me.

I should probably get ready, I have a meeting soon and I can't miss it. That witch had been lying low ever since she broke down in the middle a speech, and she can't hide what they are planning forever. Maybe if I tried hard enough I could read her mind.

A small chuckle escaped my lips as the thought passed through my head. Mira jumped a little, she didn't know I was awake yet. The conversation from last night played through my head. She had almost begged me not to leave her in the morning, she was so scared to be alone again rambling on about how someone might come in again. Her words replayed in my head and I held her a little tighter.

“Please don't go” Her words sounded like she was about to break. Her small hand grabbed at mine holding it to her stomach.

She had started to plead with me almost every time I had to leave.

“I have to” my own groggy voice muffled from her hair. I slowly slid my arm out from under her, and she grasped it almost like it was for dear life. “Come on Mira, you need to get ready to, you can come with today.” She let go pretty quickly and almost ran to the closet, I had left her at home the last few meeting, and she seamed pretty excited and shaken each time I had come home.

Part of me worried if John had been popping in and doing things I didn't even want to think about. No one has seen him since the incident and apparently this isn't the first time he has run from the law. After everything had happened and I calmed down I looked at his record, and he had a pretty big problem for steeling things, He had kidnapped someone from the mutt's years ago and had been teaching in the castle since then. Once I take over from my father that the first thing I'll do, run checks on all the people working here.

“Donovan?” Mira's voice echoed from the closet, she sounded concerned. I made my way over to her and peeked into the closet.

“Yes?” I watched her try to reach up to one of my shirts, it looks like she had decided what to wear. She is quite small. She has become a lot more comfortable around me, but around others she hid behind me. Alone she is quite bold, and she seamed to be happy, even doing things like this picking out her own outfit. I however have been choosing it if we are going out, its easier to keep track of her if we are wearing the same thing.

“This?” She looked for approval at me trying to pull on one of my shirts. I nodded and grabbed it down for her, taking the matching one for myself. She had taken a liking to my button up's, usually choosing a red or blue one. Both colors looked nice on her.

“Its getting cold outside, so wear a sweater and pants. The last thing I need is for you to freeze, I can't warm you up.” She nodded and put back the skirt in her hands. Her eyes followed me waiting for me to grab her pants from the shelf.

“Can I have this one?” The childish look for acceptance on her face. “I-it would look good with the red.” She pulled on the black long sweater. A smile crossed her face when I pulled it down, followed by another sweater for me to wear.

“Okay, go change, and then we can leave.” I couldn't help but smile at her. Part of me wondered if this acting like a couple in front of others was starting to influence me.

“Food?” Her voice was full excitement, after the past few days of her wanting to eat almost every hour I have come to the conclusion food was her favorite thing.

“Yeah, just go change.” She skipped to the bathroom as I picked up the phone from the desk. I placed a few food orders and changed, so we could pick it up on our way out.


I listened to Wendy, her face looked like one of a lair. I can tell she was hiding something, I just wish I knew what. Her closing statement ended the meeting.

“Hey, um... Wendy, can you stay behind for a moment, so we can talk, I have something i wanna talk about with you.” Her witchy face nodded at me as others left the room.

“What it is Don?” Her sarcasm caused and unknown rage in me.

“What's with the fake tears in almost every meeting?” Her look changed from a smirk into confusion.

“Fake tears?” Her voice raised a few octaves. “I'll have you know every tear was real” her hand pounded against the table.

I could feel Maria's eyes on me, I didn't want to scare her, but I ended information.  “What are you hiding Wendy.” I almost growled at her.

She smiled slightly, a hint of mischief in her eyes. “Nothing Donny, everything has gone to our plan.” Her hand traces down the buttons of my shirt before I grabbed it.

“Now Wendy.” My words harsh as I tightened my grip, a small gasp leaving her lips. The thought of Mira leaving my mind.

Wendy's silence aggravated me. Her body pressed against me and a wall, I could smell her disgusting breath. “You won't like me if I have to repeat.” My words sent shivers down her spine.

“T-the border.” The fear in her voice was almost pleasing. “I-I'v been sneaking them in” my arm crossed her neck pressing her to the wall more than she already was. The faint sound of her choking filled the air she wasn't getting.

I could hear Mira's shaky voice. “P-please stop M-Master.” My stomach twisted. I looked to her for a second seeing the sweater wrapped around her body as she pressed the sleeves to her eyes.

“Who Wendy. Who?” Tears ran down her face as my words hit her. I was particle yelling as the anger ran through me. The small pricks of anxiety on my fingers.

“Wolves” That word sent shivers down my spine. A slow clap came from behind me as I dropped Wendy to the floor.

“Good job Donny, I knew shed give it up easy.” I turned to see Vanessa. “She's weak anyway. I was just waiting for someone else to find out, you arnt the only one curious after all.” I looked at her then back to Wendy, finally my gaze went to Mira.

Her eyes changed to a dark green and the tremble of her body filled me with guilt. Mira's hair wrapped down her face, her hands still pressed to her eyes with a small tremble.

“Now we know there in town we can track them.” Vanessa pushed past me to Wendy. “I'll report this to Gavin in the morning. For now, ill handle her.” She picked up Wendy's arm and snapped it sending a loud scream through the air. “You should go home, let your parents know. As the rulers of the land for now they can do more than Gavin.”

I hadn't taken my eyes off of Mira's terrified body, the scream made her fall to the ground. I reached out to her and touched her back, the flinch of her body told me she didn't want me. “Lets go home Mira, it will be okay.” She tried to crawl away from me, I had scared her badly. I don't know how I could fix this. I touched her shoulder, and she cowered again, this time, with a sharp inhale as her eyes fluttered shut and her body clashed to the ground.

“Looks like your pet couldn't handle your anger.” Vanessa stopped at the door, Her hand covered Wendy's muffled cries. “Maybe you should just get rid of her like a normal vampire.” She continued out the door, all I could do was watch Mira.

I'm not sure how I could fix this. She was just now comfortable with me.

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