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Donovan P.O. V

"Did we eat?" A small amount of anxiety hit me, I know I need to eat foot, and she needs to eat food, if she doesn't eat she will die. I don't want to kill her on the first day of owning her, maybe a few years from now, but not now.

"We had lunch." Her small voice rang from the couch. I could tell she was looking for me, I forgot humans can't see well in the dark. No matter how long they are kept in it.

I got up and walked to the door, I could hear her still trying to look for me, her heart rate going up more. I turned on the light to see her jump. "Lets go." I tried my best to sound nice. I don't know why I keep sounding so rude. I am trying to care but for some reason my tone just won't let me.

"It's your new job to remind me to eat." Maybe she could remind me better, she surely looked like she was always hungry. She followed me down the hallway for a bit, she had mumbled a few times but I wasn't bothering to listen.

"M-Master." Her voice was loud enough for me to hear, probably the loudest I ever heard her speak. I stopped in the middle of the hallway, the feeling of disgust spilling throughout my body. I didn't even want to look at her. I thought for a second about correcting her but I didn't want to upset her (any more than she already was).

"Yes?" I didn't have the heart to tell her i hated it.

"W-when do I remind you t-to eat?" Her voice was soft but firm in her question.

"Three times a day, once at the beginning, once in the middle, and then before bed. If you get hungry then just remind me then, and we will, that should be the times." I kept walking, I really thought I was about to throw up as the words echoed in my head. I rubbed my nose, feeling my headache coming back.

We continued in silence and I made my way to the kitchen, glancing at the night special above the counter. Honestly, I just wanted blood; her scent has been driving me insane.

I noticed earlier that my eyes have been a few shades darker.

Part of me knew I should wait and get her used to me and be respectful as my father taught me, but the other part wants to go for it. Even if it has been a short while.

Joan came out of the kitchen and stood in front of me. "What will it be today, my guy?" Her gray hair hung to her shoulders. She always tried to use phrases that she thought sounded cool even if they weren't.

"Honestly, just AB positive, and a very small amount of whatever Mira has."

I look to Mira. She was looking at the words above us. Her mouth was moving as if she was trying to sound them out but none of what she was mouthing matches the letters on the board.

"Mira?" She turned to me, looking like a deer in headlights. "Do you know what you want?"

She shook her head, her face turned 20 shades of red. "I-I can't r-read" her voice cracked as if she was going to cry.

All I could do is look at her. How much effort am I actually going to have to put into this? I turned back to Joan who was lust looking at me, acting as if she didn't notice how irritated I am.

"Just surprise her." The thought of how stupid someone could be angered me. I'm not mad at her really, I'm mad at who ever had her before me. They put almost nothing into her.

"M-Master." Her voice rang in my head. Pain shot up my spine, hearing that godforsaken word caused me literally pain at this point.

"Yes?" I looked to her, her hair covered her face, and she cowered away from me trying to make herself smaller.

"A-Are you going t-to kill m-me?" Her voice cracked she was terrified of asking. Part of me debated it but I knew it was pointless to kill her off, even if she was irritating. I had just talked about how vampires need to treat their things better.

"I don't know...?" My voice came off more of a question.

The smell of blood hit my nose before I could see Joan's toothy grin. "Here you go, AB positive and grilled cheese."

Mira's eyes widened as the food was set in front of her. I have eaten with her a total of three times and each time excitement took over her. She probably had never seen any of this before. She waited for me to start eating and then mimicked me again, something I found she did often.

We ate in silence and headed back to my room. Honestly, I had nothing more to say to her right now. She sat on the couch and covered herself with a blanket. Part of me didn't like that. She was mine after all.

"Mira?" She shot up and looked at me as I leaned against the desk. "Hand me that." I pointed to her file that was still sitting on my bed. I debated telling her she couldn't sleep on the couch anymore as I watched her grab the file and make her way toward me.

I grabbed her hand instead of the file and pulled her to me, her gasp of panic almost made me laugh. "You aren't sleeping on the couch anymore." I rested my head on her neck, taking in the smell of her. I let my fangs graze her neck, she tensed against me.

A small whimper left her throat. "P-Please" Her voice trailed off and I held her for a second. Her hands pressed against my chest, her useless attempts to push me away made me want to hold her tighter.

I let her go listening to the huge breath she took in. "To bed. I'm tired; you should be now too" I knew why I did that, but she obviously didn't.

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