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Donovan P.O.V
My mother has been pestering me since the moment I opened the door until this very one to see my grandparents.

"Donny, your grandmother has waited 200 years for this." He pleads was getting no my nerves.

"Donny, your grandmother has waited 200 years for this." I mocked her, quoting her with my fingers before accidentally dropping Mira's leash. Mira stopped moving as soon as it hit the floor and my mother laughed. "Shh, mom what if someone heard that?" She drew in a long breath.

"Heard what?" My grandfather had been waiting around the corner. His smile held his fangs and he held his arms open for a hug from my mother.

"Dad! I'm so happy to see you!" She ran into them as if on cue. Mira put the leash back in my hand and stood behind me, holding onto my shirt sleeve.

"Ella, oh how I missed you!" My grandpa held her tight before looking at me and then to Mira. "Oh, Mr. Big shot! Gotta pet now?" He tapped my shoulder as if I was an old friend. My mother chuckled.

"No, That's his girlfriend! Can you believe it!" She sounded as proud as she could be. "Come on dear don't be shy, we are family now!" Mira grabbed desperately at my sleeve before mom pulled her away from me. Almost as if on instinct I pulled her back in front of me, her sigh of relief calmed the anger I didn't know I had.

"Oh I see we have a protector of possessions" He leaned toward my mother, they had always gotten along as if they were old friends. "Careful of this one Ella, he knows what's his" he shot me a wink before turning back around and leading us to the dining room. "Your grandma has been so excited to meet her Don, she might have a fit when she sees how tame you have her already."

My grandma has always liked to tame pets, she was one once herself. It's been a tradition that the oldest son in the family is married to a pet of the parents choosing, and well Mira was my parent's choice.

"I know, but she is so obedient, I didn't actually do anything." I shrugged, I could feel Mira's heart beating through her back, no doubt she was nervous and everyone knew it.

"Obedient huh?" His voice got a hint of danger in it. "You think she can pass the test then? Your wedding is soon so I assume you have started preparations for the tests." I had forgotten all about it, between work and trying to teach Mira things and getting her comfortable I forgot to train her.

"Of course! That's what she was raised to do Charlie!" My mother was obviously loud at this point. "All Cameron did was train her for the tasks!" Well, I suppose that explains why she is so clueless, and the weird habits of leash walking, being overly obedient and the need for my approval. That's all the test really aims to show anyways, her undying devotion to me.

My grandfather nodded just before the screaming of my grandmother filled the air. Mira jumped back into my chest trying to get away from the noise. I rested my hand on her shoulder to keep her steady.

"My precious baby boy! Oh, how I missed you!" She ran right to me practically pushing Mira aside, sprinkling her unwanted pecks across my cheeks.

"Nice to see you too grandma." I almost desperately tried to get her off of me. I glanced over to see my grandpa had already whisked Mira away.

"Was that her?" She looked to mom with questioning eyes until mom nodded. "She should fit quite nicely into the family."  My mom gave a pleasing smile, the satisfaction of her choice being reinforced.

"Let's get this started shall we?" My father spoke from the head of the table, I hadn't even noticed he was there.

"Good idea son!" Grandpa put a hand on Miras back, his touch on her irritated me.
He sat next to grandma and Mira moved her way back to me.

Miras P.O.V

I could feel the sets of eyes watching me as I took my seat next to Donovan, it feels like everyone is watching all the movements I make and I'm scared to make the wrong one. Donovan pulled my chair closer to his as soon as I sat in it, the room almost felt like it was going to cave in on me.

The feelings in the room are tense, the uncomfortable knot in my stomach reminded me of the one in my dream. I looked around to see a few of the workers running around with trays giving each other silent nods as they set plates of food in front of us. How little I've seen of this place is almost sad, it's been almost 4 months and I'm still seeing new people and places. I suppose only being to the kitchen and work would play a part in that.

I could feel myself start to space out watching the workers moving. For a few moments, I thought I had seen Kyle set my drink down in front of me and then leave but determined it couldn't have been him.

"So Mira, how do you like it here?" The women Donovan called grandma looked toward me, her almost gray eyes studying my face as her pale lips curled into a smile.

"Oh um.." how do I answer that? It's not bad, but I have only known this place and fathers. "I like it a lot." I nodded and she seemed pleased with my answer. They continued with their small talk, Donovan glanced at me every once and a while.

Eventually, I spaced out, watching the servers run back and forth between doors, filling the trays and then emptying them.

Eventually, we started eating, the food was really good, I still can't get over the fact of how good it is.

I pushed my hair away from my face and took a drink of the water. As soon as it hit my throat the burn filled my chest and my nose, this was definitely not water. Its something I've never tasted before, the swallow was the worst part.

I turned to Donovan after hearing his cough and realized everyone had been staring at me. I took another drink of not water.

"Don't bother asking that Margaret. I heard cousin John got to her." Charlie chuckled as an unsettling smile came to his lips.

"Oh dear, you do know that means right Donny?" Margaret gave a concerned look to me, my body started feeling warm.

"I know grandma, I have people looking for him as we speak." I took another drink of the burning liquid, it started feeling better the more I had.

"His death will be quick, but well deserved." Mark finally spoke up as be took his last bite.

Donovan took my hand and tried to pull me to my feet, eventually getting me up. "We will see you at dinner, I have some work stuff I need to do." And with that, we started walking down the long hallways. Everything in my body felt funny, my feet slowly began to drag along the floor.

Authors note
Hey guys! I know this took a while but I hope you like it! The next chapter will pick up where this left off. Merry Christmas!!

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