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Donovan P.O. V

Sudden coldness took over my body and I felt the blankets move from my body, I let a small groan out, the grogginess for the morning was horrible for me. I definitely was not a morning person.

A small thud followed by muffled cry snapped me out of it. I looked around the sun covered room only to see that Mira fell over the table. She is honestly more clumsy than I had originally anticipated.

I slid off the bed and looked at her, she hadn't noticed that I had moved quite yet and just sat there. Almost as if she was soaking in the fact that she had just tripped over something that wasn't easily missed and hadn't been moved since she got here a few weeks ago.

She looked up at me as soon as she saw my feet next to her.

"S-Sorry I-" Her voice cut off as she realized that I wasn't angry at her. She really had calmed down and started being comfortable here.

"I need you to get ready, John will be here soon to teach you time" She rolled her eyes, almost as if this was torture for her.

"Please, I-I'll be good" her plead was almost pitiful.

"The past few weeks have been good for you, the lessons will stop soon." I held out my hand for her, and she hesitantly took it. She followed me to the closet, so I could pick out her cloths for today, usually I liked having her match me so it was easier for me to tell that she was mine in a crowed, not that she has been in a crowed before.

I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black button up, not the best thing I have ever worn but I don't exactly plan ongoing anywhere. I grabbed her a black skirt and a white button up and left to the bathroom leaving her to pick out her own underwear and such.

Once I had left the bathroom Mira hurried into it and shut the door. I stood by the couch looking at the file that was set on the desk at the other side of the room, I haven't fully looked over it but I knew enough for now, I was hoping maybe she would tell me some but so far she doesn't want to talk about who owned her before me.

I watch Mira leave the bathroom, the white shirt tucked into the skirt showing her waist, she and gained a few pounds since she got here. She had socks that started at her knees and her boots reached just above her ankle giving her a few inches to her height.

"Is something wrong?" Her voice echoed, I hadn't realized I was staring.

"No, you look fine" She smiled liking my approval.

The door slid open and John made his way in. The few books he had in his hands filled the room with a slight smell of dust.

"Hey, I'm going to be here today, you guys can just carry on as normal." I sat on the couch after grabbing the file and opened it.

"Alright Mira you know the drill" she let out a sigh and I watched as he pulled the desk into the middle of the room facing the board He had screwed into the wall. He slammed the few books onto the desk making her jump slightly. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Today we are going to learn to read history." A smirk crossed his face as he opened one of the books and wrote a quote on the board. "Virgin blood." He tapped the board with his chalk.

She scribbled the few words onto her paper. "Vampires most enjoy the blood of someone who has never been bitten before." he paused, and she nodded. "We are going to do some writing on the board." She moved toward him and I turned back to the file.

He started talking about dates and things that had been drilled into my head as a child.

They continued this for a little while going back and forth, her questions would make him upset and his answers would frustrate her. After a while of this they seamed to start arguing.

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