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Mira P.O.V

Kyle's hand grabbed mine tightly. "Hurry." His voice was harsh and hushed.

"Kyle, I'm scared."  Mine came out shaky. He pulled my alone the hallway, his bare feet hitting the pavement.

"I know darling, be brave." He looked back at me, his blue eyes full of worry. "Be smart and you'll make it through." Eventually, the concrete became grass and the hard breaths exiting my mouth began to calm as we stopped.

A long wire fence expanded from side to side, so far that I couldn't see the ends.

"Be free my darling dove." His hand held my face, whipping the tears I didn't know I had. Whatever was chasing us was close behind, there steps and shouts got closer.

Kyle pulled a pair of scissors from his pocket and cut pieces of the wire, enough for him to fit through. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, his tight hug held me. "Go. Be free." I couldn't muster any words before he shoved me through.

The coldness of Donovan's hands pressing hard into my back woke me as my thoughts slowly gather themselves from my sleep. My legs started tingling the harder his hands pressed against me, he must be dreaming is something or he's trying to scratch me with the pads on his fingers.

I squirmed to my feet to get away from his harsh touch. Looking back I could see his chest slowly rise and fall, his hands gripping the sheets tightly. The darkness of the room brought a warm feeling to my body as I stretched out my arms.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the room looking over the now familiar things. Part of me wondered what happened to Kyle. He said goodbye but through another person. My eyes trailed over to the desk and file cabinet.

The last time I saw him was years ago by now. Father had pushed him down and pulled me back by my hair at that time. Kyle had tried to teach me a game but rather didn't like it. Then he was dragged away and I never saw him again. I had assumed he was dead but the short man would give me messages from him eventually which meant he was alive, just not for me.

I remember once, the old man tried to give me a letter bug father took it. He said It would be in my file and I could read it if I was alive long enough to learn to read.

I never really got to look over my file, it took Donovan days to read over it. Glancing back at Donovan to make sure he was asleep before making my next move. I don't know if I'm allowed to look at it, but my curiosity is starting to get the better of me. My heartfelt like it was about to jump out of my mouth, the thumps echoing in my head. I took only a few steps before stopping because of a creek from the floor, looking back at Donovan to make sure he was still asleep before continuing.

"Mira?" His groggy voice sent shivers down my spine, stopping me in my tracks. "What are you doing up so early?" I turned to see him propped up on one arm and running his other through his hair.

"N-Nothing." I tried to hire the panic in my voice, swallowing the small lump of fear in my throat.

"Come back to bed Mira." He patted my side with his hand. "We only have..." He looked up at the clock on the wall. "4 hours until breakfast and you need to be well-rested. My grandparents are going to be a lot." His sigh was full of nerves.

"Yes, sir." I slid back into bed letting him pull me closer. I almost preferred calling him sir, it feels closer to the way I felt at home. I miss my room, I miss being alone, this is quite different from the one at fathers. Not to mention I'm rarely alone, it doesn't bother me, I don't like being alone, but I miss it just a little.

His arms snaked around me, Donovan has developed a habit of having me curl up to him like a dog. Am I like a dog?

A small shiver left my body, the cold inviting itself into me. Donovan lifted his arm and pulled the blanket around me, somehow making me colder.

"You don't have to do that Mira..." he trailed off-putting his hand against my stomach making the odd feeling rise in me.

"Do what?" I hadn't realized how weak I had sounded until this point, my voice was small and high pitched.

"Put me in a place of power, you call me sir and..." He paused letting out a sight.

"Master?" I knew what he was about to say, but I don't know what he is getting at.

"Yeah... You don't have to do that." I still don't understand, I thought it was just nice, it's comfortable. "Not that I'm complaining, I can be used to sir, but the other one is just not for now okay?" He nuzzled his nose into my hair and let out his cold breath on my neck, making the small marks their tingle.

I just nodded, I could feel my eyes starting to close, I hadn't realized how tired I was. "Sir?" A small hum came from him signaling that he heard me. " Can you... Maybe.." I could feel my stomach turning, I know what I wanted but I can't ask without fear. I do miss being told a story to sleep, father and Kyle used to tell them to me, usually the same one. "Tell me as-story?" I finally choked out.

"Yeah, But please try and fall asleep." He slowly continued to start a story and I slowly drifted to sleep, his words melting into each other before the darkness took over my mind.

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