~Part 13~

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My dad managed to keep his smile on his face. "Uh, of course I remember."

We suddenly heard my mom's bedroom door open and I got happy. She then entered the living room.

"Oh, hi Mr. Clox." She greeted him. "Who's this young lady?"

"My step daughter." He answered blankly. "Hi ma'am, I'm Garlsie." Garlsie said with a smile.

My mom placed her hands on her hips. "I never knew you got married again, neither did I know you had a wife before too."

Mr. Clox responded, "yep, I recently got married again."

I walked away from them and went outside the house, leaving them to talk about whatever stuff they talk about.

I stood outside the door, thinking more about what Mr. Clox had said earlier to my dad. It sounded like a threat... which it probably was.

I sighed, staring at Krua's house. Then suddenly the door half way opened and my eyes lit up. Krua popped her head out and looked at me, her expression questioning me.

Since they were inside talking, I thought it was okay now to go back to Krua. I crossed the street and went over to her house.

"Hey. They're talking so I'm free to go."

"Great, but.. why are they here?" She asked.

"Okay, remember I told you my dad knows a guy who works at the school you attend?"

She nodded unsurely. I then said, "well, that's him. The principal, Mr. Clox."

"Ohh, I might've never guessed that. But what about my classmate, Garlsie. What's she doing here?"

"Apparently she's his step daughter."

"What?!" Krua sort of raised her tone so I shushed her, then said, "How about we talk somewhere else?"

She nodded before she opened the door for me. I gestured her to go in first.

We sat down on the couch in the living room. It was actually my first time ever being to her house because I usually just waited for her outside her front door when we would make plans to hang out together.

"Nice place." I said as I sat down. She snickered a bit then said, "thank you." She shyly bowed her head a little which I found cute.

"So," she started, "uh.. about Garlsie. What's she doing here? Have you always known her?"

"No. I never knew she was Mr. Clox's step daughter. I also was really confused when she came out of that car."

Krua furrowed her eyebrows. "wait.." she put her pointer finger on her bottom lip, she had a confused expression. "That doesn't make sense. Mr. Clox's last name is Clox.. and Garlsie's last name is Clox. She always had that last name since the first day of high school. Exactly how long had she been his step daughter?"

"I'm not entirely sure when, but he did get married only recently and had come to introduce Garlsie to us."

Krua still had a confused expression. "But why did she always had his last name? If he only got married recently?" She then sighed and leaned back against the couch. "I'm not going to bust my brain thinking about this, not today." She muttered.

After a short time of silence, I spoke, "maybe they were married a while now? I don't even know. But the real problem is that, I think Mr. Clox wants my dad to marry me off to... ugh. Garlsie." I said disgustingly. Krua just looked at me, probably not knowing how to react to what I just said.

I continued, "He sort of.. threatened my dad. Saying to 'remember who got your son a job' or something like that."

"Well... what are you planning on doing?" she asked, scratching her head a bit.

I liked being a P.E. teacher, I liked that job. And it was so easy to get it, especially at the age of 18 since people don't really hire teachers that young. I got that job sooner than I should've and I was happy.

But I didn't think it was worth marrying someone for, I was not that desperate for a job.

I said to Krua confidently, "I rather get fired than marry Garlsie. Remember that I like you Krua, and you only."

P.E. Teacher | P.JM FF ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang