Chapter 16: Meeting Pt. 1

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A/n: Can I just say. Lee Felix is so fricking perfect like ugh how????? Then there is me..... a potato. A sad potato.

I'm sosososososo sorry I haven't updated in like 2 weeks so here's a long chapter(^з^)-☆

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I'm sosososososo sorry I haven't updated in like 2 weeks so here's a long chapter(^з^)-☆

I'm sosososososo sorry I haven't updated in like 2 weeks so here's a long chapter(^з^)-☆

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"Hi Lee!!"
I'm shocked to hear from him, but I'm still happy. I really want to tell him what happened to me during the concert.

"Y/n! Are you going to the fan meet? Cause if you are can we meet there? I would really like to meet you. Is that ok?? Sorry I sound really creepy..."

I smile at his small confession,
"Ok sure I really want to talk to you. Also, I would love to meet you in person so-"

"Yeah??!!! That's cool I can't wait to finally meet you!!"

Call ended by Surprising(Lee)
|call back| |end|

~~~1 hour later~~~

Me, Katie, Mimi and Hana sprint to the venue where the fan meet is being held, but I know we're a bit late so we'll be some of the last people.

When we actually arrive at the place, there's a stage up front and elevated seats around the room so people behind can see. We have our tickets printed off and sit down just as the boys walk out.

We scream as they introduce themselves and decide where to sit. The order goes Jisung, Changbin, Jeongin, Bangchan, Seungmin, Minho, Hyunjin and finally, Felix. It seems ironic that the last person is my bias... (a/n: ew this sounded cringy but idk how else to put it🤣)

After waiting for literally aaaaages, it was Hana's turn to go up, then Mimi's, then Katie, and finally me.

I grabbed my stuff as the lady told me to move in front of Jisung.
"Have we met before??"
He smiles as he speaks.
"Maybe" I reply.
He looks at me, confused.
"It was you guys outside right??? On the elevator?"
Realization takes over his face "Ohhhhh yeah, yeah right!"

I laugh quietly at his cute English.

He laughed with me and grabbed my hand before signing my album. I move along again and Changbin grins at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I start to feel even more nervous than before with him looking at me.
"No, it's all good"
"Ok cool"

"You know, You're very pretty, what's your name?" Changbin smiles at me and compliments me at the same time.
Ok. So he's just gonna hit me with a double kill and carry on smiling?????

I smile back at him, but feel my cheeks become hot, so I hide behind my hands in my embarrassment.

I feel his fingers gently grab mine and he slowly pulls my hands away from my face. I'm sure that I've now become a very attractive tomato - minus the attractive.

I ask him to put my flower crown on, but instead he lets me do it. My heart is literally about to explode.
He ruffles my hair with one hand as he basically passes me onto the next member- Jeongin.

His cute face scrunches up as he smiles, and all the others filling the room awed at his cuteness. I mean who wouldn't??
"Helloooo" I scrunch my face up back at him and he laughs at me.
"So cute" he states and I forget how to breathe.

"No no you are" I blush and look down.

"Haha no not really noona"

My head snaps up at his last comment and I frown at him.

"Ok ok sorry I will accept your compliment"

We laughed as he signed my album and I took the dolphin plushy out of my bag. I hand it to him over the table and almost immediately a high pitched shriek emits from his throat.
" I love it thank youuuuu!!!! I now have a new plushy to cuddle if I'm sad"
"Aw Jeongin you're so cute"
We both blush and he takes my hands in his, but I'm told to move on to the next boy.
"Stay healthy and eat well, hopefully I will meet you again! I love youuu"

I am once again passed along like a present - not that I'm complaining. Christopher freaking Bang.

His veiny hands hold mine as I move along, I'm honestly surprised he can't hear my heart beat.

"Ah hello, we met before, your name's y/n right?? Is that what you said to changbin?"

His accent is so cute and I can't think of anything to say except-
"Hola Chris"

He looks confused for a second, but then he literally bursts out laughing.
"You've heard that??"

I start to come back to my senses and laugh along with him. He looks at me again and says in a very serious voice
"I wanna learn to speak Spanish, I think it's a very... sexy language"

We start laughing again and he wipes tears out of his eyes. He grabs a pen and my album, then he starts signing it with little hearts and kisses all over the page - he even attempts to draw a little rubber ducky but it just ends up looking like a worm. I mean- It's the thought that counts.

I take my present for him out of my bag that is significantly lighter than when I brought it in.

First I bring out a wolf plushy, which the man-baby immediately cuddles. Then I bring out a second gift that I got for him - a little tin box.

"Chan, you are the greatest leader and if you are ever told anything else, somehow contact me and I will beat them."
Chris smiles at me, his dimples dotting his cheeks.

I take the tin and give it to him, I seriously hope he likes what I made him.

"Hold on a minute, I can smell coconut."
I smile, excited for him to open it.

"YES!! OI FELIX, y/n got me lamington!"

I didn't know he would be this happy but it makes my smile too see him like this.


A/n: I've split this chapter into 2 cause it was so loooong

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A/n: I've split this chapter into 2 cause it was so loooong. AND THANK YOU FOR OVER 800 READS WTFFFFF🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank all you guys so so much I'm really sorry I'm so bad a updating :(

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