Chapter 17: Meeting Pt. 2

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Korean is bold and English is normal x

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chan attempts to hug me but one of the staff members stops him and guides him back to his seat, which his sits in with a cute frown on his face

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Chan attempts to hug me but one of the staff members stops him and guides him back to his seat, which his sits in with a cute frown on his face.

Before I move on, the cute leader takes out some of the cake I made him and popped it in his mouth. He sits back in his chair and grins at me.

"Almost as good as my mums. Almost"

Before I can laugh or even react, he shoves a piece of the cake into my mouth as soon as I open it. I feel as though the rooms gone silent, and I feel a glare coming from my left. I look and see Felix looking at me.
My face goes red and I hide my face before I put my head up and say goodbye. But very quietly. The girl next to me grins at me and mouths Lucky at me, smiling at me as I get even more embarrassed.

Seungmin grabs my arms and pulls me along, but not before slapping the leader on the back of the head and saying
"Don't feed her, that's for Felix to do, he's going to get jealous hyung!"

I feel my soul leave my body. I'm. Fucking. Dying.

"Hello y/n!!!"

The boy in front of me smiles and I die a little for the 6th time today. Whyyyyyy?????

I take out a small painting I did at home of a puppy cause why not. He grabs the frame from my hands and stares at it. Literally just stares. I get nervous so I pull out the little dog pillow from my bag and he thanks me whilst holding onto my hands.
We begin to talk about Day6 and I immediately think of Jae.
"Is your bias Jae?" He asks when I smile at a story Seungmin's telling me about him.

"Uhhhhh maybe???" I give a sheepish smile and the boy throws his head back and begins to laugh.

Once he can breathe again, Seungmin takes out his phone and shows me his screen saver of him and Jae playing the guitar. Before I can get the chance to drool at the fine menz on the phone screen, I am all but dragged along the table by Minho.

I stare at him as I sit down and he stares back, challenging me to look away, that's how our minute long staring contest began. Obviously I win and it has nothing to do with the fact that Hyunjin snapped his fingers directly in front of Minho's eyes. Nothing to do with that at all.

I blink as I feel my eyeballs literally dry out, making him smirk. Minho then took my album and drew a little cat next to where he signed his name.

"Which one is it?" I smiled at him.

"What do you mean?"

I point to his little drawing and ask "is it Soonie, Doongie or Dori?"

He looks me in the eyes once again - not so intensely this time.
"You are officially my favourite human in the world. Felix thought I only had two cats, like..... what? And seungmin had the aUdAcItY to say he only knew Dori - who is my newest child."

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