Chapter 20: Felix

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A/N: Broooooo we got 2k 💞💞💞💞💞 thank you guys so muchhhhh. Although tbh I think I'm losing the plot of this story a bit...

(Korean is in bold and English is normal text,, enjoyyy)

(Korean is in bold and English is normal text,, enjoyyy)

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Lee fucking Felix.

Honestly, I can feel my life flash before my eyes as I have flashbacks of all the remotely weird and creepy things I've said to Lee.

Lee Felix.

But like..... am I dumb???? (Yes)

It was so obvious I bet he's just realised how stupid I am. On that phone call when they were in the car... Jeongin picked up - that's who I heard laugh, and then I spoke to Hyunjin... for goodness sake he even shouted "Bangchan!" during the call. Not to mention he said there were 8 of them and he told me his name was Lee. FUCKING LEE???

Although to be fair he was probably telling the truth about seeing TWICE's MV before me considering the fact that he's in the sAME FUCKING COMPANY!!

I realise I look like a turtle with my neck stretched out (trying to get my head around the bullshit) and so I pull my peach hood up over my hair and sink into my seat.

"Hey.... y/n. Can I talk to you outside?"

I look up at the boy, he's so close I can see his freckles. Freaking. Adorable.

"I am 100% going to need a therapy animal visit after this"

I say to nobody in particular.

I die for the 367th time when I realise Minho and Chris are listening to this awkward exchange between me and their band mate.

"Hold on, I'm going to be back soon, I just want to go get something"

Before anyone answers, Minho marches right out the shop, leaving me and the two remaining members in an incredible awkward triangle.

Before i can say anything Chris leaves his seat and sits opposite me,,

"I'll save your space whilst you two go and talk outside."

And with that, Felix takes my cold hand and leads me out of the small, warm shop.


I take her hand and lead her out of the shop, she seems awkward inside with everyone around.

We round yet another corner before getting back to the stadium. I take her round the back to backstage because it's still open as it's only been a few hours since the fan signing. I take her to the sofas that are placed on three of the four corners of the room and we sit. I keep a hold on her cold hand and rub it with both of mine in an attempt to make it warmer.

My heart is in my throat and I'm scared she can hear it. I'd be surprised if she couldn't because it's all I can focus on.

I sit down a few inches away on the sofa as she breathes for a moment.


I run back to the cafe as carefully as I could, but when I get there, it's only Chris sitting there eating some chips (or fries but I'm British).

"Where did the other two go?" I ask our leader as I sit opposite him.
"They went back to the arena to talk- but why have you got a box... what's in it?"

I smile at my hyung, but then stop because I almost squash the box in my arms from tripping over.

"Her therapy animal"

Chris Hyung looked so confused so I opened the box to show him 2 of my 3 cats sleeping on a fluffy blanket.
"MINHO! Why would you bring them here???? What if they escape? And where's Dori,, did she already get lost?"

I laugh and close the box of sleeping cats,
"I left her back at the hotel with Jisung because he was cuddling her and I didn't want to wake him up."

Chris looks at me skeptically,,
"Why were they in Jisung's room? You don't share a room with him..."

"Oh yeah, Jisung fell asleep in my room after th-" I stop before I expose myself and change the subject.
"so they went to the arena? Okaythanksbyebyechanniegethomesafe"

With that I readjust the box in my arms and walk towards where we performed.


...What the fuck


Me and Felix have been talking for a while and I feel as though I've known him for so long,, I feel comfortable with him - well after I got over my initial shock that it was LeE fUcKiNg FeLiX

I begin to laugh as he tells me how nervous he was to meet me
"Honestly, I was scared you'd be angry and throw a broccoli at my head or something"

I look at him, questioning so much
"Why a broccoli?"

"Uhm..." he looks embarrassed as he looks away from me, "around when we first moved into the dorms, me and Hyunjin got into a fight about how to cut broccoli, but that ended when he threw it at my head..."


He grins at me, the light bouncing off his freckles, dotting his face.
I grin back when suddenly he pulls my hand into his lap. I look at him with a smile as he starts to play with my fingers, he looks so cute I can't.


He look up at me, still smiling.


"Shshshsh", I put a hand over his mouth to stop him talking, "why did you still text me after you realised I wasn't Bangchan? I mean, you could've just blocked me and I wouldn't have thought anything about it."

Moving my hand onto his lap, Felix takes a deep breath before answering.



A/N: CEO of cliffhangerssssss,, Ok no actually I'm not but I've been really stuck with what to write recently like

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A/N: CEO of cliffhangerssssss,, Ok no actually I'm not but I've been really stuck with what to write recently like.... this chapter I didn't want to post because I'm not very happy with it, but I was like I should post cause last time I would update as soon as possible and I swear it's been like a month😭😭 imagine having an updating schedule.... couldn't be meeeee😭😭

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