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   "Odion!" My mum screamed my name. I was startled at that moment as she caught me rending
her clothes. She deserves it. Who is she to tell me what to do or how to do things? She is never satisfied with anything I do. She yells at me when I don't get one thing right. Now, she cut my precious hair, my long black curly  hair that everyone admires in school just to punish me for not washing plate.
   My secondary school graduation is in a week time and I can't look horrible. I threw the clothes on the floor and jumped out through my bedroom window for escape, I didn't even remember that we were living in a two–storey building until I hit the ground with full force.
"No!" My mom screamed in shock.
    The last I saw was the multitude of people surounding me before I went into a deep sleep.

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