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"Are you okay?" Brendon walked over to where I sat picking up a chair from behind a desk and sat beside me.
"I am okay. " I said sniffing and wiping tears off my face.
"It's so obvious especially with those red cobwebs already formed in your eyeballs." He swirled his forefinger near my eyes. "You should be happy in this Christmas season, it's the period to spend time with your family, boyfriends, girlfriends__ ya know. " he paused observing me.
"What? I don't have boyfriend but ,I am going to be spending the holiday with my family."
He drew the chair closer to the table were I placed my books as if to figure out why my gaze was fixed to my book. "You don't have boyfriend? I guessed as much. You don't even have any friend. I rarely see you with any, this is the spot I always see you. Either here or the cafeteria."
I didn't reply him and he kept on pestering me why I didn't have friends.
"Why don't you have girlfriend?" I asked back and he rolled his eyes which was his usual habit.
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
"Nora?!" he pretended to sound stern narrowing his eyes at me.
"Brendon?!" I imitated his stern tone.
"Okay, I surrender__"
"Who was going to arrest you before?" I teased and rolled my eyes.
"Oh geez! Where did this girl come from?" He hit his forehead and pressed his lips into a thin line.
"Niger__ area__ duh!" I rolled my eyes, imitating him. I chuckled while he laughed hard.
"I am not matured yet."
"How old are you?"
"Twenty two."
"You are old enough ."
"Nah. The maturity am talking about here is spiritual and emotional. You?"
"Same here too. You spoke my mind."
" Hmm__ So how was your project?"
"It was wonderful to the extent that, my tutor said mine was one of the very best this year." I smiled.
"Awesome! I am sure your mom will be proud of you." He uttered wide-eyed.
"Eh, she's my aunt not my mom."
"Uh__oh. So what about your mom?"
"She's dining with Jesus christ."
"She's dead?"
"Oh my God. I am so sorry. " he covered his face with his hands tightening his eyes as if he was the victim.
"It's okay. "
"I'm sure you do look so much like her." he smiled
I shook my head "No. It's my brothers that look like her, I look like my dad."
"You miss her don't you and you won't let anybody take her place?" he blinked so much that I wondered if dust particles had entered his eyes.
Standing up from the chair, he took few steps behind my chair and hugged me.

Why is he acting so emotional in the public?

He took my soak handkerchief and wipe my face.
"oh" was what came out of my lips as I looked at my book that appeared blurred now through tears -soaked eyes. "He's getting married. I don't want it__" the other words were swallowed in sobs.
Patting my back, he said,"it's okay. Have you prayed about it?"
"I have fasted and prayed."
"God's in control. I believe, he has answered prayers and he still does. Let me share with you my testimony" he walked over to his chair and sat. "Since when I was ten years old, I always wanted to speak in tongues. Whenever any pastor or General overseer says we should write prayer request, that will be the number one on the list, speaking in tongues. Miraculously, during the summer camp three years ago-the one you and I attended, I was baptized by the holy spirit. I speak in tongues now and I'm so happy." he smiled widely. "Did you ever have any experience at the summer camp"
I sniffed again."Lion experience"
"Lion experience? What happened?"
"I was attacked by a lion and God saved me."
"Like seriously? Anyway, that's a good one. I am sure you prayed, that is why God saved you."
"I did"
"Oh no!" He shouted looking at is wristwatch in astonishment. "I'm sorry" he muttered quietly waving his hand, when he saw he called the attention of the librarian who was now glaring at him.
"What happened?"
"I am making dinner tonight. I gotta go now. But, before I go, you have to give me that Christmas smile."
"Christmas smile?" I rolled my eyes.
"Oh yes!"
I faked a smile"Go. Go blend pepper for ya mama." I teased him. He smacked his butt and walked briskly out of the library.
I rolled my eyes hundred times, that I started feeling dizzy.

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