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"Doctor how is my wife doing?" Mr Osayande stood up and said impatiently, to the male doctor who came out of the labor room.
"Mr Osayande calm down," The doctor said in an uneasy manner. "I am so sorry___ we lost her." The doctor said sympathetically.
"What?! You___" Mr Osayande was dumbfounded . Mr Osayande swallowed hard as his palm became sweaty.
"But sir, the baby girl is hale and hearty. We tried our best." the doctor said.
"You should have tried harder." Mr Osayande lamented as he wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead with his palm, before cleaning his palm on his trousers.
"Daddy what is the problem?" I asked suspecting something was wrong because their voices were almost in a whisper.
I walked to where my dad stood with the doctor and looked at him quizically.
"Nora all is well. Your mom has just gone to say hello to Jesus." My dad's voice shook with emotion.
"Gone to say hello? Meaning she's dead?" I mumbled in fear.
"Yes dear." he conceded.
"No! No! This can't be happening." I wailed.
"Honey, it's okay. The doctors tried their best."
"Daddy they should have done better." I said sorrowfully.
"Mr Osayande I want to have a word with you in my office." The doctor said.
"Alright sir. Nora I'll be back." he said . He kissed my fore head and followed the doctor.
"Ah God! Why?" I cried bitterly.
  Suddenly, everywhere around me became cold, I had goosebumps all over my body, a feeling I have never felt before.  Memories of my mom flashed through my mind, I thought of the good times and bad times we had together, how cheerful, courageous and caring she was, her beautiful smile that brightens up my mood when ever I was sad and hopeless. Right now, words are not enough to describe the kind of person she was. I remembered how she was brought to the hospital in a car, I held her hands firmly as I sat beside her at the backseat, she didn't make any sound but I knew she was in pain. I cried uncontrollably as I recalled.

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Nine months later

"Noredia, Osayuki and oghosa, listen carefully to what I want to say." My dad said as we sat in the sitting room. "Now that your mum is dead, you all have to be each other's brothers keeper. God knows why he took mum away, he knows best children." My Dad paused and wiped the tears streaming down his cheeks with his sleeve.
"Daddy who is going to take care of us when you are not around?" Osayuki, my immediate junior brother asked.
"Yes and the baby?" Oghosa the youngest chipped in.
"Don't worry, I will employ a nanny to do that." My father said .
"Daddy, I can take care of them." I said carrying my nine months old baby sister.
"No! Nora you can't, it will be too hectic for you, you are in your final year remember? You have to focus so you can make good grades. Leave it for the nanny." he said.
"No Daddy, we don't want any nanny." Osayuki agreed with me too, so did Oghosa. They hated the idea cause they had this sentiment that nannies are wicked.
"Not all are wicked, there are still good ones, but all the same we don't need any at this crucial moment." I said with all sincerity.
"Nora," My dad called me, this was my English name, given to me by my Dad, he says it's the short form of my Edo native name NOREDIA. "Be honest with yourself. You can't cope, you have external examination to write this year."
"Daddy please, trust me. Just give me a chance, if I am not able, then you can make your decision." I pleaded.
"You said so," he said as he stood up from the couch."I have warned you Nora." he finally said and left the sitting room.
"We don't want any Nanny or stepmom Nora, I am afraid of being maltreated by them." Osayuki said after dad left.
"Me neither" Oghosa said. The baby began to whimper. "Oh no!" I sighed.
"Maybe she is hungry." Oghosa said.
"I guess so. I will make her some milk now," I said as I cradled her in my arm."Osayuki help me carry her." I said as I gently placed the baby in his arm.
I scurried into the kitchen to make her milk, I poured it into her feeding bottle and I sprinkled the liquid milk on the back of my palm to feel if it was too hot or cold for her. After been satisfied with the temperature, I went back to the sitting room to feed her, but on getting there, I got the shock of my life.
"Yuki! Oghosa!" I hollered in anger. " What are you doing?" I said as I rushed to them to grab the delicate little baby. They took turns to bounce the baby on their laps, which was dangerous for a delicate baby. The baby cried at the sudden grasp.
"I am sorry, Ekina." I said to the crying baby as I cradled he " You these silly boys get out of here before I beat you!" I scowled.
"We were only just playing with her." Oghosa argued.
"We didn't hurt her." Osayuki said.
"But you could have___Just shut your mouth you two naughty brat! Osayuki you are a disappointment, at least you being older should be matured." I scolded them.
"I am only thirteen." he protested.
"And? If Oghosa does something stupid you should correct him, not join him." I hissed and walked out of the sitting room to the dining room, fuming in rage. I sat in the dining area and fed the baby.
"Don't worry Ekina, when you're able to talk you will report them to me, if they hurt you. Don't mind your naughty brothers." I whispered to my sleeping baby sister after I finished feeding her.

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