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   Spring said farewell to the earth as Summer arrived. The scotching sun heated my body as I trekked to church,which wasn't far from home to attend a youth programme.
  As I entered the auditorium I was given a leaflet, I took it from the female usher who flashed me an adorable smile.
“Thank you!” I smiled back and walked in, searching for a vacant seat to sit on. I slid into the back sit and focused my attention at the black female preacher. I brought out my journal and pen from my hand bag to jott valuable point. She preached about the reason for salvation.

Salvation means the process of being rid of the old poor quality conditions and becoming improved. This was the reason why Christ died for us so we can have victory over Satan.

Luke 19:9-10
And Jesus said to him, This day is salvation come to this house, as much as he also is a son of Abraham. For Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

I wrote.

The preacher ended the sermon and the choir sang a heart-warming song. The multitude in the auditorium began to decrease as the service ended.
“Hi! I'm Samantha Barney. ” A brunette approached me as I came out of the auditorium.
“Hello” I waved.
“You must be new in town?”
“Yes. Came all the way from Nigeria.” I said and smiled.
“Aw, Welcome to the US. Hope you like it here?__ Your name?”
“I do. I'm Nora Osayande.”
“Are you joining the Bethel Youth Group for the summer camp out? ”
“I actually don't know. I was just given the leaflet as I came to church. ”
“Please you need to come . I am a member of the youth group, you will have an unforgettable experience with God. ” she said as we exited the church building and stood by the road side
I pouted, putting my hands in the side pockets of my jeans for warmth “Well, I need to inform my Aunt about it. I can't just agree to go like that.”
“Alright then. You can call any of the numbers on the leaflet.” she wore her gloves and waved at someone who yelled her name as he drove past. “That's Matthew Walters the group leader, he is a nice gentle man. Anyway, nice knowing you. You leave around here?”
“Yeah. The next street ” I replied pointing at the direction.
“Bye” she waved as I left.

      ❇️       ❇️         ❇️

“Here comes the villian” Marvin announced as I entered the house.
“Afternoon.” I said as I shut the door.
“You don't wanna go back huh?”he stood up from the recliner where he sat in the palour and came towards me.
“Go where?” I retorted.
“Go back! You are a nuisance here. You behave as if you know far more than anyone especially in this house.” he yelled.
“That's because I am confident. You call me a villian, what about you. You are a villian to yourself, you are only making things worse when you hurt others. I want you to reason with me__ what will you gain when you bully people?”
“What do ya mean? I am not a bully.” he said as he walked to the recliner to sit. I followed him and stood in front of him.
“Why did you tell me this house is haunted? Well, I haven't seen any sign.”I narrowed my eyes at him.
“I never wanted you here” he blurted out.
“I understand. I have no choice ,I have to stay. Please hit me!” I commanded him.
“Are you crazy? Hit you? Why?”
“Why didn't you hit me? Are you scared? Never hit Kayla again. You here me!” I hissed and walked out while he starred at me in astonishment.
“Whatsup! Been looking for you since” I said as I found Kayla in the loo.
“You back so soon?” she said as she heard my voice from the entrance.
“Yes. Why are you packing all your toileteries into this bag?” I asked as I found a white bag in the basin.
“Dad called.” she said happily.
“Awesome. What did he say?” I frained with a grin.
“He told me where he lives presently- Alaska, he invited me to spend the holiday with him.”
“Does your mom know about it?” I asked as we walked into the room. I sat at her dressing table while she sat across on the bed.
“She was so excited about the idea. After many years, I am able to see my dad again.”
“When are you leaving?”
“Next tommorow. What about you? How are going to spend the holiday?”
“I don't know probably, cooking I guess.” she laughed at me.
“Through out? Ain't you going anywhere? You can enjoy your holiday with a friend.”
“I don't have friends yet. But, I was invited by the BYG for camp out. ”
“Great! What are you waiting for? ”she said enthusiastically.
“ Your mom. I want to tell her about it. ”
“You can tell your dad instead since mum is not home.”
“I never thought of  that. Thank you. I will do a video call ” I quickly grabbed my bag on the bed and called my dad. He was so happy to see me on video call, he found out about my welfare and he agreed when I spoke to him about the BYG camp out . I made Kayla speak to him too.

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