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My Aunt dropped me off at school, she had followed me last Thursday to do my registration. I entered the prestigious school and didn't know where to go, they had given e a school map to show me the directions of all the places in the school but I didn't know how to read it because I never did geography in secondary school.
I wish Yuki was here, he would have interpreted the map for me.
"Stranded?" A gentle voice startled me from behind. I had been looking at the building that was decorated with glass windows-- it was the administrative building, I guessed because it showed on the colorful map, It was finding my own department of science that was the problem. All this black lines and boxes on the map made me more perplexed. I spun around and saw a familiar face. I toyed with the tip of my hair that was braided in African suku , trying to figure out where we met.
"Hi" I smiled.
"I bet you don't remember me. Do ya?" he grinned as he brought out his hand from his side pocket to shake me."I am Brendon Thayer. We met at Ramdavetom Restaurant, remember? "
"Oh! Wow__Thanks for the other day. " I said as he took my hand in a firm clasp.
"You're a frosh?"
"I don't understand."
He sighed "You're new in Regent?"
"Yes. Please can you explain this map to me. I don't understand it. I am suppose to be in the schoolhall now."
"Okay. See this key column here. Once you know the meaning of all the keys, the rest is easy " he came closer to view the map closer, he explained tersely .
"I never knew it's this easy" .
"You'd better start going- they will start orientation soon" he said with his hazel colored eyes still fixed on my map."They will talk about the map too, pay rapt attention okay? " he waved as I left .
That guy most be an angel. He helped me find my way in the restaurant, now he had also helped out. I thought as I entered the hall. Thousands of student were already seated and some were still struggling to get a space to sit. I sat next to an Indian girl who starred at me. I ignored her stare and focused on our tutor who was standing on the podium. The hall was filled with student of different race but Majorly Americans.

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Hi darling! I know all is well with you. I am so sorry for not texting you back as soon as possible. My week has been tight. It's so unfortunate to hear about Neri and Adesuwa's separation, I will be praying for their family as always. Ekina is still used to calling you 'mummy' she was awarded a price for best in numeracy. Always RAP always ( Read and pray ) . I love you. Make Jesus proud.
I read the text my dad sent me when I got home. It is good to hear from home again. I am really proud of my princess. I reread the text with a smile. " RAP, hmm__ So this what dad meant " I said as I slapped my forehead laughing.
I plodded to the bathroom and got ready to rest so that I will be fully awake to read in the night.
Aunt Uwa's house was close to school so it saved me the stress of renting a room.
"Have you eaten anything?" Kayla said as she entered the room with her brown shoulder bag.
"No, I just ate a snack that I bought." I said as I laid down on bed.
"Is mom at home? I am hungry." she put her bag on her study table and sat on the bed to remove her school shoes. Kayla was still in highschool though we were the same age because their educational system in America is different from Nigeria.
"You can make something for yourself. Can't you?"
"I can but the fridge is empty same as the store. She didn't give me enough lunch today 'cause she spent all the money." she ranted.
I sat on bed and starred at her.
"Kayla calm down. Where is your mom?"
"I have no idea."
"What of Marvin?"
"I dunno"
"let me call your mom." I said . I picked up my phone from my side and searched my contacts for Aunt Uwa's mom.
Kayla changed out of her school outfit and came to sit on the bed.
"How did it go?" she asked, she took a rubber from the night stand and packed her curly black hair into a bun.
"She is not answering." I said frustrated because I was also hungry too.
"She never tells us where she goes. She just does things anyhow. " Kayla lamented.
"Do you know of any ATM machine closeby. I have my ATM card, I could buy something for us to eat. I am hungry too ." I quickly put on a t-shirt and a pencil skirt and wore my sandals. Kayla followed me, I withdrew little sum and bought bread, beverages and a bottled orange juice for Kayla from a grocery store which was a stone throw from their house.
"Thank you. I am so sorry you spent your money" Kayla said with her mouth full.
"It's okay__ is this how you come home hungry every day?" we sat in our room eating.
"It should not be. Your mom is a caterer. The house is supposed to be overflowing with different food."
"When we run out of money, she makes us starve, she spends a lot that may probably be one of the reason my dad signed for divorce. We moved to this bungalow five years ago, immediately they divorced. We weren't leaving here before remember? "
"I know. You guys lived in Kentucky, in that big semi detached house."
"Yes. My dad's father built it and he gave it to my dad when he died. Now we're tenants. It's hard to live with someone who profligates" she scrunched her face.
"Have you prayed about it?"
"Prayed? Prayer won't work for someone who is not ready to change. That purple convertible you see out there is also an outcome of her wasteful spending. Can ya imagine? " she pointed towards the window. "She bought the car last year to show off, just because she wanted to attend the Culinary award ceremony in Alaska. "
"How about your dad, is he married now?"
"I pray not. That's another problem, he doesn't even call to know how we are coping."
"Cast all your burdens upon God because he cares for you Kayla. I lost my mother two years ago . I tell you, it has been hard and during that time I wrote exams. I didn't let my problems overwhelm me because I know I had so much to achieve__ I poured all my pains, my worries, my problems on Jesus, he did it, he assured me he will never leave me nor forsake me. Kayla, don't forget that everything both good or bad works together for our good. Prayer is the solution, it's not hard. If you get on your knees now and say 'Dear lord deliever my mum from this bad habit' God will hear you. Do you want to try it? " by this time she was in tears.
"We __ go to church still why did __God allow bad things to happen to us?" she blubbered.
"He never allows them Kayla. It's sin that allows them but you know even if things go wrong, it just only uses it to know if we still have faith in him. "
"I wonder how you so much believe in someone you can't see. Yeah! I go to church but I just don't believe he hears me when I pray."
"Has he ever answered your prayers? "
"Not at all."
I smiled."it's because you did not have faith."
"Oh God ! Have mercy on me. I know you hear me, help my mum . Please. Amen" she cried on her knees.
"Amen. Also Father protect our families from the wicked ones in jesus name. Amen!" I added and she hugged me, I told her to start reading her bible from Genesis.
We read Genesis chapter one that night before we slept.
"Sincerely speaking I don't like reading the bible on my own especially old testament, it just all about history ." she confessed as we sat up covered with a blanket on the bed.
"That's because you don't know what is written in 2Timothy3:16"
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness .

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