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My dad and I were on our way to pick My two brothers from school. They went for excursion to Aso rock situated in Abuja, they arrived in Lagos 7pm. My dad called the school bus driver not to worry about dropping them at home since he was on leave from work, he decided to drive to school to pick them.
Ekina was at the back seat, my dad didn't pay excursion fee for her because she was little. She cried, but my dad promised to take her to Olumo rock in Abeokuta.
We stopped in front of the school where Oghosa and Yuki were waiting.
"Dad. What took you so long?" Oghosa said as he slid into the back seat.
"Sorry kiddo! Hope you enjoyed yourselves?" My dad said looking back at them.
"Dad it was a crazy idea paying for this excursion. I did not learn anything, the big rock was just looking at me and I was also starring at the big black rock that was originated from a volcano. "
"You learnt something. At least you know it originated from volcanic eruption" I said and laughed.
"As for me Dad, it was fun. I saw a rock for the first time. I stood on it and touched it. I learn't about the three types of rock-Metarmophic, igneous and sedimentary. Igneous rock contains crystal. They are__" Yuki said confidently.
"Wow! You are superb. I Love that, I will give you a bowl of icecream for being attentive."
"Daddy, he knew it before o! He has been taught in geography." Oghosa said frowning.
"But you said it was no fun and you didn't tell me what you learn't" My dad smiled.
"I told you the color of the rock, that is something?" he said almost in tears.
"That's not enough, if you were able to mention one rock I would have given you icecream."
"Are you still going to give me?"
"Yes__but on one condition. Spell METAMORPHIC"
"okay. M_ E_ T_A_M_O_R_P_H_I_C"
"Correct! Icecream for you" My dad said as he ignited the engine .
"Me too daddy" Ekina said .
"Alright. Icecream and pizza for everyone."
"Yeah!" she screamed in excitement.

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Saturday came like breeze, the week ran fast. It was time for me to say goodbye to Nigeria once again, this time is for Five years, but I could only come back to Nigeria during the holidays. This was nothing like the one year summer vacation we used to spend abroad before my mom died. Then, we will book a flight with a travel agency binually. My dad will make My mom and I decide the country we want to spend our vacation in. My Mom told me that, the year I was born, She and my Dad went to paris where they took a photograph in front of the Eiffel tower for vacation. After two years they spent another vacation in Dubai, then Australia then Isreal, China, Finland and the Final trip was in America where Oghosa was born in a California private hospital meaning Oghosa is an America citizen. He makes us jealous telling us ,we should not tred his path because, he is an American, there is no one in our estate that does not know because he never keeps his mouth shut, he talks even when you don't want to listen to him.
Now, it's not for vacation but, to study and become A DIETICIAN. So many people have questioned me about why I want to be a dietician my answer has always been because I want to. Actually, the reason is because, My country Nigeria is suffering from filthy foods which cause diseases like; cancer, obesity and diabetics.... etc, the government also have played a terrible role allowing adulterated and misbranded product in the country and I know that the only way I can curb out all this things to have a knowledge in Food science. After I graduate,I will become part of NAFDAC- National agency for food, drug administration and control. I love my country and it's people that's why I'm bothered, being a patriotic citizen is not by mouth, but by action and that's what I am going to prove.
"Nora, hope your things are all packed in your luggage? " My dad asked from the entrance of my room. I had left the door ajar, the afternoon was so sunny that the wind passing through the two windows in my room was not enough, it was still stuffy and this our ikeja electricity refused to give us light.
"Y__es, but still checking if I forgot anything else" I said tapping my lips thoughtfully. I had emptied my wardrobe. My dad also took me out to a shopping mall to buy new clothes and shoes, food stuffs . He surprised me with a brand new Huawei phone and a Medium sized laptop, I had a phone before but he thought I needed a new one that is better. Osayuki will use the old Itel phone I had been using since Jss3, it was still looking new with just a crack that ran diagonally on the screen.
"Your flight is 11pm. We should be there in an hour before your departure. Be ready okay. Huh___ Is there anything you need?" he was nice, he had always been a nice daddy, it was the Nanny issue that made us rivals but is still the best daddy I have known so far.
"Dad. Thank you for everything. I know I have been a naughty girl. Please forgive me." I said shyly. Why are you shy Nora! I thought. Probably, humility did it. I thought I was better than him in my spirituality, I have been finding it had to apologize to him because I developed this sudden hatred when I saw him kiss Miss Adenike. I have come to realize that, only God knows the heart of humans. Sincerely, the day Muyi kissed me on my cheek I would have kissed him lustfully on his lips if I didn't hold back. I always had butterflies in my stomach when I see him, recently we chatted online and I sometimes imagine erotic things about us together.
My dad had sinned that day and he openly repented. There was no need to keep grudges, I too have sinned in my thinking and in my action.
"Apologies accepted. Let me help you with some of your luggages, Yuki will come for the rest okay. " he said as he hugged me affectionately. I felt peace of mind. When he told me he had forgiven me,I knew God had too and he is hugging me, his hug is forever lasting.

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My luggages were loaded in the boot of My dad's Army green Ford. My dad was already sitted in the front sit.
"I go Miss you Nora. Next time__ no lie to me again. See the embarrassment. Ah!" Miss Okafor said as she gave me my food pack.
"I am sorry. Sturborness made me do it" I laughed at myself."I will miss you too, take good care of my siblings, they are my pride. I would also love it, if you call twice in a week." I said as Oghosa came to hug me tight.
"The lawyer! I am going to miss you." I smiled and hugged him back.
"I am not a lawyer. Is it because I talk a lot? "
"What do you want to become? Journalist?"
"No. Will you forget me?"
"What ? No, never! You are my brother. I am not living there forever,it's just for five years. Video cam is there we can be seeing each other. Okay?" I said and kissed him.
"Take" he said as he pulled out a strand of his curly hair.
"Why are you giving me?" I asked, contemplating if this was one if his mischievous plans.
"incase you forget. You can put it under your pillow in your dorm." he said sobbing .
"Hmm! Oghosa too much of fictional films has done harm to you. What do you want me to do with this hair, something that I will misplace now and I will not see it again. Oghosa you are right here in my heart. Is the same blood that runs through our vains. I will never forget you."
"Okay why don't you take it as a going away present." he said and smiled bleakly. I rolled my eyes and accepted the black strand of hair that I couldn't even feel I was holding it. I just accepted it so he will not shed more of those precious tears.
"I love you sweetie" I said and kissed him on his cheek. Osayuki leaned on the car pretending to be listening to the radio in the car, he is too shy for my liking, even to his own sister. He is so quiet, that you don't know what is going on in his mind and that really affects him in school, he is too shy to make friend and to ask question in class.
"Yuki! I know you want to hug me, you are just too shy to do it" I said aloud. He smiled shyly and walked to me.
"I feek like crying o!" he said and hugged me.
"Yuki we are always friends and we'll always be"
"Partners in crime huh?" he said sarcastically and laughed.
"Don't forget we are still fighting o!" I said and hit his stomach playfully.
"Ow! Since?Okay I am sorry"
"Just joking" I laughed so hard."I know you love me that's why you told daddy. You also helped me see my mistakes . Thank you. You, work on your temper okay. Don't you like it as I brought Mrs Okafor"
"Kind of, she is nice but I hope she doesn't change"
Mrs Okafor walked out of the door carrying Ekina who was asleep.
"Ekina my pweety princess, mummy is travelling, be good for mama. I love ya"I whispered in her ear and kissed her. Mrs Okafor laughed at the mention of mummy, of course she knew mum was dead.
"Ekina, I am waiting" my dad called from inside the driver's sit where he sat.
"Coming. Break a leg, but don't break a teeth o!" Oghosa called out as I slid into the passengers seat.
"I am never going to fight . I will be always good and you, be respectful. Pray for me, I know you will"
I said and hugged him again, he has always encouraged me spiritually and I love him for that.

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