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It has been three days now since Nora was absent from home. Mr Osayande missed his daughter so much. He sat at his desk in his company, he hadn't got much to do again, he decided to put his head on his desk and rested for a while. Waking up 5:00/5:30am was not the issue perhaps, going to work by that time was the issue and worst of all leaving work at 6pm-- straining yourself for 13hours writing and editing, searching for new stories online just to make the citizens aware of what is happening around them. He quickly prayed as regular practice and didn't know when he dozed off. A light tap on the table brought him back to conciousness.
"Hope I didn't spoil the dream?" Nike said, she shifted the chair in front of his desk and sat.
Mr Osayande laughed. "No. What do you have for me?"
"Please help me edit this story. "
"Ooh__ This is what Kunle should have been doing now."
"Why are you complaining? Are you not the one that sacked him?"
"He deserves it for using our communication platform to spread false news."
"Hmm___ then don't grumble again if anyone brings a script for you. How are your children? The other day you said your daughter was having her graduation party. I am sorry for not attending. "
"That was last year. She's already in the higher institution now."
"Oh wow! So fast, she most be very brillant. Which school?"
"Regent university"
"Regent? Sorry I haven't heard of the name before."
"Give me"
"The script, let me be working on it."
She gave him with her hands brushing his, it sent down some sensation from his hand to his head.
"Regent University is in California."
"she is out of country, this is great for us."
"What do you mean?"
"It's a good thing or is it not? Why are you looking at me like that?" she starred at him and he starred at her.
"What made you walk out on me that day?"
"I was angry"
"Is it because of Nora?"
"No, not that. I was angry with you. Why would you allow your children control you?"
"They are my world Nike. I never had a Father figure in my entire life. It was my mom who raised me up to be who I am today. Unfortunately, she died before I graduated from the University. I want to be the best dad they could ever have, I might not be as perfect as Jesus. I actually told them to follow the footstep of Jesus not mine, I am just a life example they should follow."
"If you told them to follow his footstep, why did she have the gust to talk about a stranger that way in your presence?"
There was a prolonged silence, he took advantage of the fact that he was proof reading the story she wrote.
"She had every right to talk about us like that. See, I have taught my children to expose evil. She saw us practicing sin and that gave room for the insult. " he looked at her and said.
"What sin are you talking about? We were only talking that day."
"No the other day before you came."
Miss Nike bursted in laughter."What is wrong with us kissing? We are adults okay and it's not sin because we are getting married."
"Nike that is where you are missing it, we are not yet married. It could lead to sex and more."
"Don't be immature. You have been married before, tell me didn't you kiss your wife before marriage. "
"No. She didn't let me do it, she was well brought up because she practiced what she believed."
"If you knew it was a sin. Why did you let me do it?"
"Nike you go to church don't you?"
"I do"
"Any sexual act practiced before marriage is sin, isn't it?"
"Why are you talking about this now?"
"I want to apologize. I am sorry forgive me, that would be the first and last time we do that."
"I am sorry too, that should be enough reason why we should get married soon."
"Are you still interested in marrying me?"
" I was married, you were not. Can we work together? I would have more experience than you and I will cheat you."
"We can. You can't because you love me."
"What if I tell you when you marry me, the love you have for me will vanish?"
"Imade! I don't know. I can't divorce you, you know. I will love you forever."
"What if I am the one who killed my wife?"
"Ha! I will think twice o!" she laughed.
"I am glad you know Divorce is against God's law. So if you marry me, there is no going back."
"You too. "
"Am I frightening you?"
Nike smiled and stood up.
"I need to go now before the other staffs think we are doing something else."
"Collect this tommorow afternoon, I will take this home to work on or do you need it today."
"No. Thank you" she said and left.
Get married soon were the words he pondered on as he drove home that night.

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