Chapter 28

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A few weeks has gone by and everything is the same.

I haven't seen Dante since that night. 

Romero and Natasha have been in and out of this fucking massive mansion. Not staying for long. Most of my days is waking up binge watching movies, swimming in the pool and sleeping. 

I feel like fucking drowning in that pool every damn time I swim. 

Dante has been texting me but he can't visit since he has stopped talking to Romero. Their friendship broke because of me.

 Romero says it is my fault. I'm starting to believe that it is. 

I haven't heard from Alyssa in a week. Just as I think that my phone starts ringing. The caller ID reads Alyssa. 

"Hey babe. Go to this hotel right now." She says and gives me an address which I quickly right down. 

What the fuck? 

Why do I need to go here? 

But I quickly put on my trainers and leave this mansion with a driver and go to that hotel. I don't know why but something in me snaps, something changes and my heart is telling me that I need to be there.

I don't even know why.

Once the car stops I slam the car door shut and go into the entrance of the hallway. My phone suddenly buzzes signalling a text. 

From Alyssa – Look behind you babe ;)

I don't want to turn around. 

Afraid my thoughts are untrue and I'm dreaming. 

But I do. I turn around and I see my best friend. 

Alyssa standing there in flesh and blood. 

In Italy. 

"Surprise!" She squeals and wraps her arms around my neck and I can't help buy cry. 

The familiarity almost soothing and comforting me. 

"Come let's go to my hotel room and I'll tell you everything!" She says directing me towards her room. 

Once we go inside is when I see Matt. "You brought your boyfriend?" I give her a wink teasingly and she blushes. 

"In my defence I'm not coming to an unknown country on my own." She pouts mockingly. 

"How? When?" I stutter still astonished that Alyssa is here with me.

I'm not alone. She came. 

Papa hasn't contacted me not once probably still mourning Mama.

He's forgotten all about me. It is like he doesn't even have a daughter. 

But I'm glad Alyssa came. She cares about me.

"I couldn't leave you with that asshole. I saved up got permission from your dad and came on the next flight available." Alyssa sits near me her legs in my lap. 

"Besides I missed your ass. Honestly America is shit without you babe!" When she says this I can't help but laugh. 

Matt excuses himself claiming he has stuff to do but he saw Alyssa eyeing him to give us privacy.

"Now that he's gone tell me everything!" Alyssa says and we shift positions to the bed.

I tell her every single thing including Romero's girlfriend, his abuse, meeting Dante, feelings for Dante and all this goddamn loneliness I've been experiencing. We spend the next few hours catching up doing the girl best friend stuff we missed out on in the past few months.

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