Chapter 52

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"NO GET OFF ME! PLEASE! DON'T TOUCH ME!" I scream and try to push the man off of me. 

But he is too strong. He rips my clothes apart.

"Please!" I cry but he takes what he wants.

Tears stream down my cheeks.

"DON'T! PLEASE! DANTE!" I scream loudly as I see him unbuckle his belt. 

"NO DON'T! DANTE!" I scream thrashing in the bed and I feel someone shaking my body. 

"Bambolina!" I hear his voice. 

So calm. So soothing. So gentle. 

"Sssh I'm here. It's just a nightmare!" He holds my body close to him and I cry into his chest. 

"I'm sorry bambolina I didn't get to you in time!" He pecks my forehead. 

"I'm glad you took me away from that!" I murmur and get a dazed look. 

"Get some sleep bambolina. I'm right here beside you!" Dante says and wraps his arm possessively around my waist as if to protect me from the nightmares. 

I won't lie in his arms I feel safe. As if no one can hurt me. 

The next morning I wake up earlier than usual. Dante has his arms tightly wound around my waist.

I grab his white shirt from the sofa and put it on. The smell of his cologne bringing me comfort. I decide to make some breakfast for us. A mix of fruit, croissants, pancakes, coffee and bagels. 

"DANTE! BREAKFAST IS READY!" I yell deciding to wake him up. 

Within a few minutes he exits our room with Mirella in one arm and the other hand scratching his head. He looks ravishing in just his boxer shorts. 

"Smells nice in here bambolina!" Dante compliments. 

He puts Mirella on her high chair and begins eating. I begin eating as well feeding Mirella some pancakes. But all of a sudden she starts crying. 

"Mirella baby what's wrong?!" I say worriedly.

I take her out of her high chair and she snuggles into my chest. 

"Ah-Ah!" She breathes out while her mouth touches my nipple through the shirt.

"She wants breast milk baby!" Dante says. 

"I want her to get used to solid food. She's turning two soon and I want to stop breastfeeding!" I tell him my dilemma. 

Mirella starts crying her light blue eyes red and puffy with tears.

"Bambolina she is not two yet. She'll be healthier with breast milk. I don't like seeing her cry." Dante explains and I give in.

Popping open a few buttons of Dante's shirt I press my breast against her lips. The hungry little baby immediately stops crying and latches onto my swollen pink nipples. 

I love her so much. Mirella has brought so much hope into our lives. 

Dante and I are married we have child and I am content with everything. The way he is with our daughter makes me complete. 

It feels like I've finally had a chance at my happy ending. 

No more abuse. 

No more Romero. 

No more nothing. 

I will always remember Romero as my childhood best friend. The memories we made until we were sixteen can't be taken away. 

I don't want to view him as a man I was arranged marriage to.

I don't want to remember him as the monster that abused me. 

But now my focus is on Dante and Mirella. 

Dante the love of my life and Mirella's Daddy.

They are my future.


I watch the two most important girls in my life. 

My Martino family. 

Athena Rosa Martino and Mirella Hope Martino. 

My wife and my daughter. 

I am the luckiest man in the world to have such a beautiful and healthy family. I know I made a right decision when I approached her at that after-party. 

If I had not we both would have been stuck her in her abusive marriage and me in my toxic family. 

They are mine. 

I will spend my last breath telling them how much I love them. They mean so much to me. 

I will kill for them. 

I will laugh with them. 

I will cry with them. 

I will die for them. 

I will give up my life in a heartbeat if it means protecting them. 

Sempre e per sempre. 

Lo prometto.


A short filler chapter. 

Hope u enjoy. 

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Soul x 

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