Chapter 42

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My eyes shoot open and I am drenched in sweat from the nightmare I just had. I look to the side to see Dante sleeping soundly his arm loosely wrapped around my bump. 

I smile softly before removing his arm and heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. I feel so happy here. He makes me so happy. 

Filling a glass of water with ice I sip it before my stomach contorts. I look down and see the floor covered in liquid. 

Did I pee myself again? 

Oh my god. I'm so fucking embarrassed. 

With the glass of water in one hand and a towel in the other I lean down to clean it up when I clutch my stomach in pain. 

Fuck. The baby is coming. 

The baby. 

The glass of water slips from my hands and shards of glass surround the floor. "DANTE! DANTE!" I scream loudly as I clutch my stomach groaning from the pain and tightness of stomach. 

"Bambolina. What happened?" I feel his arms wrap around my waist. 

"Dante! The baby! The baby is coming!" I scream in pain. 

"Merda. I'll grab the hospital bag and a gown for you baby. I'll be right back." Within minutes he is back all dressed and carries me to the car.

"Hold on baby. We are nearly there!" He tries to comfort me but it is useless. 

The pain is too much too soon. Our little one must be eager to see the world. I smile at that. As soon as we step inside the hospital the nurses put me on a stretcher and wheel me away. 

"I'm sorry sir but you can't come in!" One of the nurses say but I shake my head furiously.

"N-no. I NEED HIM!" I scream as another contraction hits rapidly. 

Dante grabs my hand tightly. "Ssh baby I'm not leaving you!" He presses a small kiss to my forehead. 

"D-Dante. It hurts!" I cry out loud. 

"You are doing it for our baby. I know how strong you are. You can do this. I love you!" With every contraction comes a wave of intense pain. 

For those slight second there is nothing else that can be heard except my screams and Dante's comforting touch and soothing whispers. 

When the pain passes it is only for a minute I breathe and close my eyes wanting all of it to end.

The rush of the nurses and doctors and midwife trying to bring my baby into the world safely all becomes a blur. 

My eyes saw nothing but darkness when the room is full of life. 

"Bambolina. Open your eyes. Is she okay?" The sheer fear in his voice is powerful. 

I want to speak and tell him I'm right here I just want to sleep to numb this pain. 

To reply is painful and too much for me right now. All I can focus on is where another wave of pain hits. 

"She is fine and fully dilated. Athena it is time to push!" I hear a voice tell me and I do nothing but push. 

With each push Dante crushes my hands as I do his. With each push I feel his lips on my forehead soothing me. 

With each push he whispers, "Our baby is nearly here bambolina." So with one last push and every ounce of strength I let go. 

That's when the sound of a baby's cry fills my eyes. 

My eyes shoot open wanting to see my baby. The midwife is holding a baby but I don't know if it is a girl or boy. 

No one is speaking.

 After cleaning our baby she gives it to me.

"Congratulations it's a girl!" She says and leaves the room. All of them do leaving our little family behind. 

I'm in awe. She is beautiful. 

"La nostra bellissima figlia!" Dante has tears in his eyes as he says this. 

Our beautiful daughter. She has my light blue eyes and her hair is the exact shade as Dante's a beautiful brown blonde mix. I love her so much already. 

"Can I hold her?" Dante asks and I place our daughter in his arms. 

They look perfect together. 

"Our Mirella!" He whispers and my eyes widen when I look at him. He remembers our conversation from so long ago. 

"What are you doing baby?" I jump when I hear Dante's voice enter the living room. I am on the couch with a list of names. 

"I don't want to find out our baby's gender Dante. I want it to be a surprise." I mumble as he takes a seat on the couch with me. 

Cuddling against him he pecks the top of my head. "Anything you want bambolina." He says. "So what is this?" He grabs the notebook from my hands despite my struggle to get it back.

"Ellie, Zander, Ariel, Maxim..." He stops when he realises the list continues. 

"Baby names huh?" He looks at me with a smirk on his face. I blush covering my face with my hands. 

"Do you have any favourites?" He asks uncovering my hands from my face. 

"I don't know. I wanted you to help me choose." I shrug. 

Without even looking at the list he answers, "I like Mirella for a girl and Marcello for a boy. Our beauty and our warrior!" 

Since that day I loved the baby names. I just wanted our baby girl to have her middle name as hope. 

Because she is my hope. 

"Mirella Hope Martino!" I say out loud and it sounds perfect for her. 


They had a baby girl. 

What do you think will happen now?

The 6 months are up. 

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Soul x 

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