Chapter 34

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TYSM for 4K love y'all who voted commented and just enjoyed my story. <3


A month in Europe was amazing as usual especially with my girlfriend Tasha by my side. But I can't help but wonder what Athena is doing. We are on the plane back arriving in a few moments. 

"Rom!" I hear Tasha's whisper in my ear as she strokes my hard chest. 

"Not now Tash please!" I tell her pushing her body away from mine.

Thoughts of Athena are plaguing my mind. What is she doing? She better be at home or else she'll be back in the red room. 

Honestly the thrill of punishing her sparks satisfaction in me. 

"Rom why?" She whines like a lost puppy. 

Her voice is pissing me off and before I take my anger out on her I leave the bedroom and to the sofa part of the plane. Grabbing my laptop I look at the childhood photos of Athena and I. 

There is a scheme to all this. 

I don't do actions for nothing. 

I left her for a reason. I punish her for a reason.

This life I have with her is for a reason. 

But she'll never know. 

I'm going to see how time spans out.

I will let fate be the judge of her journey. 

Not me.


The click of the locks signals their homecoming. They are back. I don't know why a jolt runs through my body maybe in fear or nervousness. 

I don't really know. 

I can hear their voices clear as day. They have entered the hallway only a few moments until they see me. 

Until he sees me. 

I hope my lies are as honest as ever so he believes me. I can't face another punishment from him. 

This time I don't know if I'll survive. 

"Athena!" He states with his fury filled voice as usual. I look up his green eyes clashing with my light blue ones. 

"I love your eyes!" I say while staring deeply into his gorgeous forest green eyes. 

"Green is my favourite colour Rom!" I tell him as a matter of fact. 

He laughs his arms wrapped around my waist so tightly. His face so close to mine. His breathing heavily. I'm afraid he'll feel my intense and rapidly fast paced heartbeat. 

"Light blue is mine Ena!" With that said a blush furiously makes its way across my cheeks. 

My head on his chest as we see the sunset in harmonious peace. 

With him I was always at peace. Now it is anything but.

I see Natasha head up the stairs and Romero signals to the couch with his fingers and quickly I sit down not wanting to do something to anger him. 

"I was gone for a month!" Romero states the obvious like I didn't already know.

That one month I spent with Dante means so much to me. It reminded me of everything good in the world. But I am not about to tell Romero where I was no matter how many times he punishes me?

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