Twenty One

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"I'm glad you're finally awake, sir."

Taehyung smiled sincerely, looking at the man in a hospital gown, sitting on top of the bed.

His lips still pale and chapped, body seem to be thinner, but all in all he looks fine and recovering which made the brunet's heart swell with joy.

It's Wednesday morning when Taehyung decided to go to the hospital to check on Mr. Jeon who thankfully was able to return to his consciousness after a long while.

He had told Jungkook about his father, the latter seem to be relieved and happy but he didn't try to show it and be obvious.

He just nodded his head and said "That's good." in the lowest voice that Taehyung almost missed it.

However, no matter how hard he tried to convince Jungkook to visit his father, he just shrugged his shoulders and pretended the conversation didn't happen.

This left Taehyung no choice but to visit Mr. Jeon on his own, not wanting to press on the matter too much to Jungkook.

The ravenette isn't ready yet to open his heart to his father, moreso to forgive him.

The pain he had caused him is too much, but Taehyung knows there will come a time that Jungkook will learn to forgive and make amends.

"Thank you, Tae." Mr. Jeon uttered in a raspy voice that he hasn't used for a while. He looked at the brunet fondly, grateful for his presence.

Taehyung smiled in return. He helped out Mr. So in taking care of the older Jeon before going to work in the afternoon.

"How's my son?" Mr. Jeon asked, a hint of longing and sadness flashed in his eyes.

Taehyung smiled meekly. "He's doing good, sir. He's taking care of the things in the company, and he's doing a great job." He uttered with pride.

The older Jeon nodded his head, a soft smile adorning his lips. "That's great news."

In a short moment, Taehyung saw Mr. Jeon stare at nothingness, his thoughts far away. He gazed at the older man for a long while, feeling sad to see the longing in his eyes.

It was already 10 in the morning when Taehyung decided to finally leave. He was fixing his things when the door opened, revealing his least favorite person.

"Thank goodness you're awake!"

Lisa ran towards Mr. Jeon, hugging him so tight Taehyung thought she'll knock his breath off.

"Lisa." Mr. Jeon smiled, tapping the woman by the shoulder.

"I came as soon as I heard the news." She beamed, eagerly taking the empty seat on the left side of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, concern laced in her voice.

Taehyung watched the two talk with so much familiarity. He could see the fondness in Mr. Jeon's eyes as he laughed at whatever Lisa is saying.

Lisa looked so comfortable in front of the older Jeon. She's talking to him like how a daughter talks to her father.

Taehyung could feel that based on how Mr. Jeon's face lit up from seeing her, he's treating her like she's part of the family.

This shouldn't be a surprise, knowing fully well that Lisa is a childhood friend of Jungkook. Her attachment to his family is way deeper than he could imagine.

"Oh! Secretary Kim is here."

Taehyung was snapped out of his thoughts, hearing that same irritating voice that just creeps under his skin.

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