Chapter One

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The helicopter landed after what felt like forever. People were shouting frantically as we were rushed off and down a concrete platform.

"Cranks!" I heard someone shout.

Shots started to ring out all around us as we were pushed forward. I managed a glance backwards to see a group of people running quickly down a hill towards us. The people with guns picking them off one by one.

Once inside the building a large heavily reinforced door slammed down behind us. We could stop and breath for a moment. I realized I was holding Thomas' hand tightly. He didn't seem to mind it though. I noticed Minho glance back at me then step closer. I instantly stepped back going to hide behind Thomas as though afraid Minho would attack me. I knew in reality he would never do such a thing but I couldn't get the thought that it was his hand that had thrown that spear into Gally out of my head. He was the reason Gally was dead.

We were ushered farther into the building and into what looked like some kind of doctor's office. Each of us were pulled to do different things. Each taking tests to make sure we were strong and healthy. They also gave us shots of vitamins we apparently needed. I was left to my tests with the boys but they had taken Teresa away separately.

After we got finished with our tests we got to enjoy our first hot shower in what felt like eternity. I don't remember anything feeling this good. My heart gave a lurch as I stood under the water. Gally would have loved this. What would it have been like to hold and kiss him under this hot, clean water? I felt the tears in my eyes threatening to spill again. I reluctantly pushed Gally out of my mind as I finished my shower. Thomas was pulled to talk to Janson while the rest of us were shown to the cafeteria.

I froze right inside the door at the sight of all the kids inside. Ranging from 11 or 12 up to 18 or 19. Newt grabbed my hand and squeezed. He pulled me gently behind him following the others to a counter. We were each given a tray of food then sent to find a seat. Minho led the group to a half empty table in the middle of the room. Minho gestured for me to sit next to him but I moved to the other side of Newt making sure there was enough space between us.

"How you holding up?" Newt asked me quietly.

I just shrugged. I had no words. I felt like I'd probably never have another word to say the rest of my life. No one needed to know how I felt. No one deserved to know. Not anymore. Newt sighed but patted my arm affectionately. He joined the animated conversation the other boys were having with another group. They too were in a maze a lot like ours but theirs only had one girl in it at the end like Teresa in ours. Why was I different? Why did I seem to be an anomaly?

I was half way done with my food when Newt suddenly scooted away from me and closer to Minho. A second later my brother filled his empty seat. He glanced at me wearily.

"I know how you feel right now but we are gonna get threw this. It's gonna get better." He told me quietly.

I gave him a "sure it is" look and nod that I know was oozing sarcasm. It might get better for him. From the looks of it he and Newt were growing even closer. He had something to look forward to. I on the other hand only had him and I barely knew him. The rest of our group were my friends but none of them really meant much to me anymore. To be honest nothing really meant much to me anymore.

"Alright when I call your name please step forward." Janson ordered loudly from the front of the room.

I watched as he unfolded a paper then started to rattle off names. Each name prompted someone to stand and come over to him. Once he was finished with his list the room gave a disappointed sigh.

"Don't be upset. Theres always tomorrow." Janson said with a friendly smile.

He led the small group out of the cafeteria behind a guarded door. Just as the group disappeared I saw Teresa being escorted threw the glass window. Thomas shot to his feet noticing her too.

"Teresa!" He shouted.

"Teresa!" He ran for the door.

The guard stopped him immediately causing a scene. I rolled my eyes then went back to my food.

When it was our "curfew" as they called it they showed us to our room. Once again they made no move to give me separate treatment from the boys. They closed and locked the door behind me after shoving me into the room with them. It was full of bunkbeds and actual mattresses. A few of the boys fought over the top bunks but I silently went to the bed in the farthest corner of the room to claim it as my own.

I laid down staring up at the bed above me just begging for sleep to take me over. I needed a few hours to just not think. A sudden hand grabbing mine made me jump. Minho looked taken aback by my reaction but he stayed close. I glared at him then pulled my hand from him.

"Please don't be mad at me forever. I know what I did and I'll have to live with that forever but I had no choice Emi. I'm so sorry." He said quietly so I was the only one to hear him.

I said nothing. I glared at him harder then turned over putting my back to him. I heard him sigh then step away.

It was dark but I seemed to know where I was going. I could hear noises and voices in the distance. I kept walking getting closer. "Emi!" I heard a voice shout my name. My blood ran cold as my feet picked up the pace. I ran as fast as I could threw the darkness. The voice was shouting my name drawing me closer.

I suddenly broke threw the darkness coming to a halt as the light burnt my eyes. I was back in the glade. I turned around seeing that I had just come from the maze. In front of me on the grass a boy was sitting on his knees with his head down. He looked broken and defeated. I stepped closer cautiously. I knelt in front of him. I grabbed his hand.

His hands grabbed my biceps roughly holding them tight enough to bruise. His head snapped up looking me in the eyes. His face was sickly pale. His eyes were cold and dead.

"You left me Emi!" He shouted angily.

Any words I had caught in my throat.

"You let him kill me!" He growled.

I shook my head choking on a sob.

"You stood there and watched!" He screamed furiously.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no-" I kept repeating shaking my head furiously as I watched in horror.

"Emi wake up!" A voice shouted shaking me violently.

I bolted upright almost hitting my head on the bed above me. Thomas, Newt, and Minho were in front of me looking more worried than I had ever seen them. The other boys were sitting up in their beds watching me. I just stared blankly at Thomas.

"You were shouting in your sleep." He said timidly.

"And thrashing like a loon." Newt added.

"Kept saying no repeatedly and calling out for Gally." Minho said quietly unable to meet my eyes.

I just looked at each boy except Minho before falling back in bed. Minho walked away but Newt and Thomas stayed. I glanced over at them raising a brow at them.

"You ever gonna speak again?" Newt asked softly.

I shrugged then looked away from them again. They both sighed then finally left me alone.

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