Chapter Thirteen

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Newt and I worked together to torch the door to the compartment open. Thomas was the first to push threw the door. Newt and I were quick to follow behind him. Harriet was close behind me.

"Aris" Thomas whispered then moved to a seat near the front.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Thomas questioned.

I stepped up behind Newt so I could see both Aris and Sonya sitting there chained to their seats.

"We're fine" Sonya nodded.

Thomas slowly continued towards that back. We all looked around at each of the faces hoping to find one in particular.

"It's okay, you guys are safe. Just hang on some more." Thomas said softly as he walked towards the back of the compartment.

"We need the bolt cutters." I heard Harriet say behind me.

Thomas stopped when he reached the back wall then slowly turned to face me and Newt.

"He's not here," Thomas said in disbelief.

"Shit" I whispered.

Newt and Thomas made their way out of the compartment while I stayed inside to help Harriet cut open all the chains. Once the kids were all free Harriet and two others led them outside to meet with Vince. I caught up with Thomas.

"What now?" I asked him quietly as we both watched the kids pass us by.

"I have no idea." He sighed.

"We'll figure something out," I whispered.

"Come on in you guys!" I heard Vince shout from around the corner.

Thomas and I stepped to the corner of the building so we could watch Vince speak to the new arrivals.

"Alright guys, listen up. I know you've all been threw hell. I wish I could say our troubles are over. We're not threw this yet. WCKD is still out there. They're not giving up. You got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race. They think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well, I don't." Vince spoke like the true leader he was.

The kids in front of him cheered and applauded.

"So in two days when we get this tub of rust seaworthy, we're gonna go to a place where WCKD will never find you. A place you can start over. A place you can call home." Vince continued.

Thomas turned away to head back up the path. I took one last look at Vince then quickly followed behind my brother. We walked between two of the old buildings. Thomas slowed for a moment as he caught sight of Brenda and Jorge then continued on. We walked into a room where Newt, Harriet, Aris, And Sonya were sitting. Sonya was attempting to clean the dry blood from Aris' face.

"Here drink this" Harriet said handing two cups to Sonya and Aris.

Thomas and I joined Newt to sit across from the two we'd just rescued. Fry was standing behind me. Aris took a slow sip of his drink then turned to look at Thomas.

"Took you guys long enough to rescue us," Aris said with a smile.

"It's good to see you too bud." Thomas chuckled.

"So what happened?" Thomas asked gesturing to Aris' face.

"I fought back. Tried to anyway." Aris shrugged.

"You're lucky you found us at all. They had us on the move a lot. I feel like something big was happening." Sonya said.

"Any idea where they were heading?" Newt asked them.

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