Chapter Four

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As soon as we were outside the wind whipped around us stronger than anything I'd ever felt. We ran down the concrete towards the spot the helicopter had landed when we first got here. Past that was nothing but sand. We ran up the huge sand hill most of us using our hands to help us climb. Once on the other side I leaned back putting most of my weight on my heels to slide down the sand. We kept running until Teresa and Fry had to stop for a breath.

We ducked behind a larger sand dune to catch our breath. In the distance I could hear the faint sound of shouting. A few moments later there were several revving engines.

"We need to keep moving," Thomas said as he peeked over top the sand dune.

"Do you have any idea where we are going?" Newt asked as we picked up the pace again.

"Janson and Ava mentioned something about a rebellion group called The Right Arm in the mountains," Thomas stated as he ran.

"That's it? Just some rebellion group supposedly in the mountains?" Newt asked sounding harsher than I'm sure he intended.

"Look!" Teresa shouted pointing.

We followed her finger to find a building almost completely buried in the sand. We ran down the hill towards it but before we could check it out and make sure it was safe Teresa was running ahead straight into it.

"Teresa!" Thomas shouted running after her.

We all ran after them. I stopped at the edge glancing inside before climbing in through what looked like a shattered and old window. The room was dark but I could tell it was an open room with lots of different items in it.

"Emi, come over here," Clint said from a few feet away.

Minho walked over to him as well holding one of the two flashlights they stole from WCKD. Thomas and the others were talking about splitting up and checking out the area. Minho gave Clint the flashlight then went to the rest of the group.

"Someone try to find me something to wrap this wound with and possibly clean it," Clint said to the others.

He put the end of the flashlight between his teeth as his hands moved my shirt out of the way. I hissed as he seemed to pull the skin open. He looked it over for a moment then let go stepping back and taking the flashlight from his mouth.

"It looks like something is in there. That could be bad but I can't get it out right now. Hopefully we can soon though. Looks like its stopping the bleeding for now." He explained wiping my blood onto his pants.

We sat in silence for a few minutes waiting on the others to come back. It didn't take long till we heard footsteps coming back towards us.

"Guys!" Fry shouted gleefully.

I could see his outline a few feet away. He came over to us quickly with a few things in his hands. He handed something metal and shiny to Clint.

"I found this too." He said excitedly holding up a small bottle.

Clint smiled taking it from him. He opened the bottle pouring a small amount of the liquid on the metal in his hand.

"Fry, I need you to hold the light steady. Emi, lay back and try not to move." Clint said sternly pushing me back onto the floor.

I hissed clenching my teeth as he used the small metal to reach inside my wound. My hands balled into fists. My nails digging into my palms. My head tilted back as I tried not to move or scream.

"I got it!" Clint said excitedly.

I let out a shaking breath but I could feel the blood resuming to flow. I screamed caught off guard as Clint poured the rest of the small bottle onto my skin. It burned. It must be alcohol. Fry handed him the fabric in his hands. It looked like an old shirt possibly. Clint wrapped it around my shoulder tying it then he slowly lifted my left arm and laid it across the fabric making a sling. He pulled me to my feet.

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