Chapter Eleven

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As the sun started to set I met Fry at his makeshift cooking area. We didn't want to actually build anything cause we were constantly on the move. So we set a small area up so Fry could work his magic every morning and night. It was nice to have his cooking again. Oddly enough his cooking made where ever we were at the time feel a little more like home.

"Where's Thomas and Newt?" I asked him as I came to stand next to him.

He handed me a few discolored and chipped plates. I sat them down in front of me.

"Back there" he nodded with his head as a smile spread across his face.

I looked back to see my brother and best friend sitting practically on top of each other. Their heads were close together as they had a whispered conversation. I smiled when I noticed their intertwined fingers resting on Thomas' lap.

"About damn time" I whispered turning back to Fry.

The boy next to me laughed.

"How long have you suspected that?" Fry asked me.

"Since the beginning" I chuckled.

I helped Fry finish up what he was doing. Once everything was done he told me to give the call.

"Grub is up everyone!" I shouted.

Everyone dropped what they were doing then made their way over to me and Fry. I helped him fill the plates with food then pass them out to everyone. Fry and I were the last to grab our plates then join the group around the fire. I sat next to Thomas with Fry on my other side.

"You two look very friendly." I whispered to Thomas.

He chuckled then shook his head.

"Very friendly" he said with a grin.

It had been only a few short weeks since we lost Minho, Aris, Sonja, and countless others. The atmosphere around what was left of us had slowly loosened. There was still some tension especially when we were in the middle of following a lead. I had spent most of the time staying busy. Whatever needed to be done I was doing it. From sorting supplies to helping Fry cook and serve the food. Fry had been the one person I'd spent most my time talking to. It was mostly just random conversations like what was happening in and around the camp. It was a nice way to spend the time. As long as I wasn't thinking about everything that had happened.

After everyone was finished eating we all pitched in to finish loading everything up. We were heading out at first light. Our goal was to get to some dock Vince had told us about. We'd been at it for weeks now. We were trying to move forward but track WCKD's movements at the same time. It was a struggle to keep up with them. There had been times we'd lost them completely only to find them again a few weeks later. Now was one of those moments. We'd lost track of them about a week ago. The four of us gladers that were left were the ones that tried to track all of WCKD's moves. Vince and the others worked on getting us closer to the safe haven.

"Let's hit our beds. First thing in the morning we'll get moving again." Vince ordered as everyone finished loading the trucks.

I met up with Harriet so we could go to our beds together. They were right next to each other. When I say "beds" I really mean sleeping bags or blankets either on the ground or in the trucks themselves.

"Any more leads?" Harriet asked as we got to our beds.

"Not yet but we are working on it. We'll find them." I told her softly.

She nodded then crawled under her blankets. I did the same hoping sleep would come quickly.

The next morning Harriet woke me up. We immediately rolled up our blankets then climbed into our assigned vehicles. I was obviously with my fellow gladers. Thomas was driving while Newt happily sat in the passenger seat. Fry and I had our guns loaded and ready in the back seat just in case they were needed.

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