Chapter Eight

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The next morning Newt woke me up. I felt even worse now than I did last night. He helped me up to my feet. I swayed a bit from the dizziness.

"You alright?" He asked as he held onto my arms.

"I'm okay" I said quietly.

Jorge led us out back into the sand cover street. There were people all over the place now. We stayed together as a tight group. Newt and Minho stayed close to each side of me. I was trying my best to keep myself steady as we walked but each step seemed harder and harder. I felt hotter than I should. The sun was out and it was warm but not enough to make me sweat like I was.

"It's right up here," Jorge said.

Not far ahead of us was a large group of people. One man was standing outside a door. He spoke to a few people as they took a drink of something then went inside the door behind him. Jorge stopped a few feet from that man.

"Marcus, we need to talk," Jorge said.

The man glared at him then snapped his fingers. Two men armed with guns appeared at his sides pointing their weapons at us.

"I have nothing to say," Marcus told Jorge.

"I'll make it worth your wildest dreams," Jorge said.

Marcus looked intrigued. He dismissed his guards as he stepped closer to Jorge.

"Go find Thomas and Brenda," Jorge said to Teresa.

She nodded then took off towards the door. Marcus tried to stop her but Jorge punched him. He fell to the ground as Newt followed behind Teresa. Minho and Aris helped me into the building with Fry and Clint close behind us. A few feet in front of us Teresa and Newt were kneeling. As we got closer I could see it was Thomas laying unconscious on the floor.

Jorge stepped inside pulling Marcus by the collar of his shirt. He pulled out his gun then fired two shots into the ceiling. The party that was going on instantly stopped as everyone turned towards Jorge.

"Parties over" Jorge shouted.

The large group started to empty out of the door until it was only our group with Jorge and Marcus. Brenda was silently sitting in a chair on the far end of the room looking drugged out of her mind. Jorge put Marcus into a chair then quickly tied him there with a rope. Newt and Fry moved Thomas onto a small bed in the corner. Minho helped me over to a chair.

"You don't look so good," Minho said softly.

"Jeez thanks" I said softly with a small smile.

Minho chuckled.

"You know what I meant Emi. We gotta get you better." He said as he gently touched my cheeks then my forehead.

"Hey, hey you're okay," Teresa said softly.

I turned to see Thomas now awake.

"Hi. We have to stop meeting like this." Teresa chuckled softly.

Minho left my side to step over to Thomas.

"Welcome back you ugly shank." He said jokingly then stepped back over to me.

"Son of a bitch!" Jorge shouted then slapped, Marcus.

"Dammit!" Jorge shouted.

Thomas got out of the bed then slowly walked over to me. Newt was sitting on the arm of my chair sulking.

"I'm sorry you're gonna have to leave my house," Marcus said to Jorge.

Thomas stopped to look at what Jorge was doing.

"Looks like you've been having fun," Newt grumbled.

"Listen, I don't enjoy hurting you. Where is the Right Arm Marcus?" Jorge questioned harshly.

"Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas asked.

Marcus laughed.

"Kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation?" Marcus asked Thomas.

"I know you know where they're hiding. So you tell me and I'll make you a deal. You can come with us." Jorge told him.

"I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I make my own deal. You're the one who taught me never to miss an opportunity." Marcus laughed.

"What's he talking about?" Newt asked.

"I'm talking about supply and demand. WCKD wants all the immune they can get. I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids in. They get drunk. They have a good time and then, later, WCKD comes in. They separate the weak from the chaff." Marcus laughed menacingly.

"I change my mind Hermano. I do enjoy hurting you." Jorge said then kicked Marcus causing his chair to tip back so he was laying on his back.

Jorge jumped on top of him then pulled out a blade pressing it to Marcus' throat.

"Talk! Talk!" Jorge shouted in his face.

"Okay, Jesus, I'm not making any promises. These guys like to move around." Marcus said.

Jorge climbed off of him then pulled his chair upright.

"They have an outpost in the mountains. It's a long way away. You got half of WCKD on your ass. You're never gonna make it." Marcus informed us.

"Not on foot. Where's Bertha?" Jorge asked with a smile.

"Not Bertha," Marcus said with a pout.

As Jorge pried the location of Bertha out of Marcus Minho helped me back to my feet. Thomas turned to face me.

"What happened to you?" He asked with worried filled eyes.

"Her wound is getting worse. Jorge said she's lost too much blood." Minho answered for me.

"I'm fine Tommy," I said softly.

Jorge took a set of keys from Marcus then told us all to follow him again. Minho wrapped his arm around my waist to help me walk. Jorge led us out of a back door to an area that looked like a junkyard. Off to the side was a huge blue tarp that covered something. Jorge went straight over to it. He ripped the tarp off revealing a large blue vehicle.

"Hello Bertha" Jorge said with a smile.

We all climbed inside as Jorge took the driver's seat. A sudden wave of exhaustion came over me as I laid my head against Minho's shoulder.

"Emi, you have to stay awake. If you pass out we might not be able to wake you up." Clint said from behind me.

Minho was quick to lift my head up. He turned my head to face him.

"Talk to me about something," Minho said quietly.

"Like what?" I asked barely above a whisper.

I could feel my eyelids growing heavier by the second. Jorge had sped up once he heard what Clint had said.

"Tell me how much you hate me," Minho said.

I chuckled softly.

"I don't hate you Minho. It breaks my heart that you were the one who threw that spear. It was my spear. It's something I've thought about every day but I had a dream and it convinced me not to withdraw from any of you guys because you're my family. I need you as much as you need me." I explained in a whisper.

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