Chapter Six

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"Get up!" A raspy voice Thomas tried to shout.

His voice still woke most of us up. He was staggering to get to his feet. He started shouting louder waking the rest of us up. We were all back on our feet in no time wondering what was going on now.

"I see something," Thomas said pointing in the distance.

I followed his finger. I could see the twinkling lights like a small town or settlement in the distance.

A loud crack of thunder had us turning around. A huge storm was rolling towards us quickly. Lightning was striking the ground all around us. We ran as fast as we could towards the lights. They were getting closer and closer but so was the lightening. One good strike hit the ground only a few feet from me.

"Get inside!" Thomas shouted as we reached a building.

I stayed back close to Thomas making sure the others were getting inside. I turned to yell at Minho to pick up the pace when a rather large bolt came down striking a nearby car then bouncing off and hitting Minho. He flew into the air then landed on the ground with a loud thud. Thomas was too close as well. He was thrown a few feet from the force of it.

"Minho! Thomas!" I shouted running over to them.

Thomas looked disoriented but was getting back to his feet. Minho on the other hand was lying motionless with a bit of smoke coming off his body. I grabbed him with my good arm as Thomas got to his feet. The others came out helping me pick him up and carry him inside out of the storm. We laid him down on the ground.

"Minho!" Thomas shouted in his face.

I pushed Thomas out of the way so I could look at the boy. A small smirk played at my face as I had a wonderful thought. I pulled my arm back then slapped him across the face as hard as I could. Minho seemed to jump awake but didn't open his eyes. He groaned in pain making everyone sigh in relief. When he did open his eyes he looked straight up at me.

"What happened?" He asked looking dizzy.

"You got struck by lightning," Thomas told him.

"Then Emi slapped the piss out of you," Newt added with a chuckle.

We helped him sit up making sure he was actually ok. As much as I hate to admit it I was glad he was ok. I couldn't stand to see another one of us die. Even Minho. It didn't take long to get him back to his feet like he was good as new.

"What's that smell?" Teresa asked from a few feet away.

I watched her pull out her flashlight and turn it on. The moment she did I about pissed myself. One of those things was right in front of her! It reached out barely missing her face. We all screamed falling backward. A quick look around showed us there were many of them and they were all chained up unable to move but a few inches.

"I see you've met our guard dogs." A female voice spoke as a light on the other side of the room came on.

What now? What the hell is this place? I think I want to go back to the Glade now. Can I just wake up in my old room in the homestead with Gally beside me like all this was just some insane horrible nightmare?

The girl started walking towards us down a clear path between those messed up people. She stopped a few steps from us.

"Stay back" Thomas ordered her.

She smirked at him.

"You guys look like shit. Come on. Follow me. Unless you want to stay here with them." She said glancing around the room.

We followed behind her quickly leaving that room behind. She opened a door that led into an open warehouse looking building. People were all over the place. Whatever they were doing or saying stopped as we passed by.

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