Chapter Fifteen

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Outside the city walls was a small city of its own. It was crowded and run down. We wormed our way threw the crowd until we got out into what looked like the main road. A large crowd was making their way up the road towards the wall.

"We are the voice of the voiceless!" A loud man's voice shouted.

We turned to see a van slowly driving with several armed men on top of it. One man was at the front shouting into a megaphone. We stepped back out of the way as they drew closer.

"They hide behind their walls! They think they can keep the cure for themselves! While they watch the rest of us wither and rot!" The man continued to shout as the van slowly drove past us.

I stood beside Thomas with Fry right behind me. The people around us cheered and followed the van as it moved.

"But there are more of us than there are of them! We will rise up and take back what is ours!" The man's voice started to drain away as they got farther away from us.

We followed the crowd through the street. As Thomas turned a corner around a building he stopped.

"That's it! That's our way in!" He shouted over the noise of the crowd.

He took off elbowing his way threw the crowd. Only Jorge was able to keep up with him. Brenda, Fry, Newt, and I got stuck several feet back from them. The crowd started to shout and chat even louder than before as we drew closer to the wall.

"What the hell did we get ourselves into?" Fry asked.

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling." I told him.

Newt grabbed my arm as I grabbed the back of Fry's shirt so we could stay together. I happened to look behind us to see the same two men who were once on top of the van standing in the crowd staring in our direction. I nudged Newt causing him to look down at me. I nodded towards the masked men. Newt looked over his shoulder at them. They were moving threw the crowd now towards us. There were two more on our right watching us as they walked. That bad feeling I had skyrocketed. We shoved threw the crowd quickly to get to the front where Thomas and Jorge were standing. Newt wrapped his arm around Thomas' waist to get his attention.

"Hey, guys, we need to go now. Look." Newt said pointing behind us.

We all turned to see the men in masks even closer now. Before we could move a loud alarm started to sound drawing everyone's attention back to the wall. I couldn't see what was causing the alarm but the people around us started to scream and back away. I screamed tugging Fry's arm as bullets and explosions started to rain down around us. We ran threw the crowd trying to dodge the sudden attack. I found myself holding onto Fry's hand tightly. We turned to run between two buildings coming out in a small area.

Before I had time to think someone grabbed me ripping me away from Fry. I screamed and kicked as the person lifted me off the ground. I was tossed inside a van then Thomas was thrown inside right behind me. Two armed men climbed in then Brenda was thrown in behind them. When the third armed man got in he shut the door. I moved to sit as close to Thomas as I could. He was squeezed between myself and Brenda. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly as the van started to move.

"What the hell is happening?" I questioned quietly.

"I have no idea." Thomas panted.

The three armed men all set opposite us. They just silently staring at us. I noticed the man in the middle seemed to be looking at me. I slowly moved so I could put my hands inside the boots I wore. Thomas noticed what I was doing and grabbed my arm.

"Emi, that's not gonna go well against their guns." He whispered as he tugged on my arm.

I huffed but leaned back leaving the two twin blades that I had stuffed into my boots alone.

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