Chapter Twenty

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I grabbed Gally's arm to pull his attention back to us. We took off running in the direction of the tunnels. We kept to the shadows until Gally stopped us at a corner.

"The tunnels are right up ahead." He said then turned the corner.

I stumbled backward after running into Gally's back. He had stopped abruptly in front of me.

"Shit, stay low" he whispered back to us.

Each of us followed his lead. We crouched until we got to one of the small walls. We hid behind it. On the other side of that wall was a street full of armed WCKD guards. They were just standing there.

"Damn it" Gally said as he peaked over the wall.

"What are they waiting for?" Minho asked quietly.

A sudden loud explosion made me jump slightly. We all turned to look over the wall as a yelling crowd ran toward the WCKD guards. Gun fire started to rain from both sides causing us to cower behind the wall again.

"We gotta go!" Gally shouted over the battle behind us.

We picked up quickly following behind Gally. We ran inside what looked like a recently abandoned building. I fell to the floor next to Gally. Finally, I can catch my breath.

"You alright?" Gally asked me.

"Yea, I'm good." I nodded.

"Brenda, are you there?" Thomas asked into the walkie.

Minho was across from us checking on Newt who looked worse than I've ever seen him.

"Thomas, I'm here." Brenda's voice crackled through the walkie.

Another explosion outside made the building we were in shake slightly.

"We're not gonna make it." Thomas said.

"What are you talking about?" Brenda asked.

"Just take the others. Get everybody out while you still can." Thomas told her.

"No" She answered quickly.

"Brenda" Thomas said in exasperation.

"I'm not leaving you. Any of you. Okay? So forget it." Brenda said sternly.

"Even though you should?" Thomas asked.

There was a pause for a minute or two. Thomas glanced behind him at Newt. I could see the worry and pain on his face. There was no hiding what he was feeling.

"Thomas, don't worry. I'm coming to you." Brenda's voice crackled suddenly.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asked her.

"Our rides here! Just look for us near the tunnels!" She shouted.

Thomas stuffed the walkie into his pocket. Gally and I got back to our feet as Thomas and Minho helped Newt stand. We moved as quick as we could avoiding the battle that was raging in the streets. We swerved in and out of the small alleys between the buildings until Gally stopped again. We were in a darker side alley. A roaring aircraft engine sounded above us.

"Okay, that's them. It's them. We gotta go." Thomas said then turned back to Newt.

"Go without me, man." Newt choked out.

He started to cough and pant. Thomas looked at him for a moment then turned to Minho.

"Minho, you gotta run ahead, grab the serum, and get back to us as soon as you can. Minho, go." Thomas ordered.

"He's right. I can cover." Gally told Minho.

"Emi, can you-" Thomas started but I cut him off.

I kneeled beside him then hugged him tightly. I turned to Newt.

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