Chapter 27 - To Love And Linger

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"Love moderately. Long love doth so. Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow." -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet


CHAPTER 27 - To Love And Linger

~ RS ~

Succeeding the night of Severus' elusive admittance that he, one way or another, do requite and acknowledge Renee's feelings, the young woman was left feeling impractically hopeful. Every voice in her head that kept on telling her to stop whatever it is that she's pursuing was now extirpated, and even her entire loss of self-awareness and rationality has not been a cause of worry to the girl.

Renee woke up before Severus and was rather apprehensive because she was expecting to still be sandwiched by two Hogwarts employees, but was left with only one. The wizard, whose arm, and leg was draped over her body, was still fast asleep. Fearing that she might be seen by the mediwitch, she withstood the ardent urge to kiss the corner of his mouth.

The totality of their breakfast time consisted of Renee pleading for Severus to just give her the damned school works already, but he fought off her insistence with ease. The professor told her that she still wasn't well enough and had two more days until the Easter break ends so he believed that the next day alone was sufficient enough for her tasks, which of course led to her unimpeded contradiction. Eventually, Madam Pomfrey had to intervene and told them that if she wanted to, she could manage some assignments, but not to the point where they would stress her out. Severus was left with no choice but to relent to Renee's wishes, but not without grunting and whispering to her ear that he was just a seat away if ever she needed help.

Remus did as he promised and went back to Hogwarts to visit Renee. He told Renee all about Sirius' recent mischiefs and attempts to get away from Grimmuald Place which prompted him to shove some sense into his friend. The man, bless him, couldn't be more impatient to see his godson and tried various means of transport to Hogwarts, but was immediately stopped by Remus before he could be chucked back to Azkaban.

The ex-professor also told Renee about what he has found out about Alexander and Clarice, but there wasn't much that she didn't already know. There also wasn't much progress on where Barty Crouch Jr. might be hiding, leaving them with nothing but Dumbledore's protection.

Naturally, Renee had told Remus all about Tonks' adorable crush on him as she enjoyed seeing his flushed face. It took her quite a lot of jesting before she was able to make him admit that he does fancy the auror. However, she still couldn't fully convince him that he had a chance because he insisted on being too old, too poor, too ugly and a lot more 'too's' that Renee classified as his insecurities. She admonished him for all of his excuses; the metamorphmagus obviously adores him and she vowed to make him see it if he won't.

Renee figured that she could at least inform Fred that she was well now and wrote to him even though he and the others would be coming back to the castle the succeeding day. After doing so, a last lunch meal took place before Severus helped her gather her stuff back to the dungeons.

Renee has never felt more glad to be walking along with the wizard, who volunteered to carry her rucksack, much to her sheltered delight. When the inevitable parting came, she found herself at a loss for words at the realisation that she no longer held the position that is his assistant.

"I should be honest; I don't think I am going to miss seeing you on a hospital bed. You're far better off here." Severus smirked.


"For the last time, are you feeling completely well now?"

"Yes, I am." Renee smiled. "Thank you for everything."

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