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I glanced around cautiously as I walked. 'Why again,' I thought, 'did I decide to walk around alone at night?' Also, walking through the almost abandoned street, it didn't take long for me to notice I was being followed.

He-she-it was good at being quiet, but the footsteps slightly overlapped with mine. I stopped in my tracks, (h/l), (h/c) hair circling around me as I spun on my heel. He had reddish-brownish hair and almost honey-colored eyes. I instantly recognized him. Being otaku, I was obviously a big fan of Death Note.

"Wha- Light?" He seemed to find my astonishment amusing. "Hello, (y/n)." My heart stopped. 'He knows my name.' While wanting to scream like a fangirl, I also, based on what I know he can do, found myself worried.

"Should I be concerned?" I couldn't help asking. He laughed a little. "I do not intend to harm you, if that is what you would like to know. However, I am considerably concerned for you." I tilted my head.

"Why would that be?" He took two steps forward. "Well, unfortunately, there are some people who do wish to harm you." It was then that I noticed, throughout this entire conversation, he was inching closer. He had slowly moved from around twenty feet away to about three.

I shifted uncomfortably at this observation. "Would you happen to know who these people may be?" He was one foot away at this point.

"Would it really make a difference?" He deflected one question with another. 'It kinda does actually...'

I had to ask him. "Are you currently in possession of a Note?" His eyes flicked to an area beside him before returning to mine.

This indicated that the shinigami he was supposedly accompanied by did something (probably laugh) to draw attention to itself. I decided to take a guess. "Is it... Ryuk?"

Light's expression showed just the slightest bit of surprise. Letting out a small sigh, he pulled a thin black book from somewhere inside his jacket. I took the notebook and glanced over the first page before handing it back to Light.

Behind him stood a large black shape. Ryuk. "I knew it then." I couldn't help but giggle. "How did you figure that out?" Light inquired.

"Oh, you just seemed annoyed." I explained. 'Ryuk is known for being annoying, after all.'

At this, the shinigami chuckled. "Quite observant, aren't you?" Laughing, I happened to glance down at my watch.

"Oh dear, has it really gotten so late? I'm sorry, I must go. Surely I will see you again soon?" Light nodded. "See you later, (y/n)." I waved briefly before dashing off.

Heart Attack (Death Note)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें