Chapter Fourteen

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Freddie eagerly swatted my butt as I rounded the car to get to the passenger side once more, I was just following what all the other people were doing as the drivers went to the driver side and the passengers went to their rightful side. I stood there with my hand on my hip as I patiently waited for what would be done next, I looked up as I noticed something I hadn't before, a broadcasting camera. I looked onward in disbelief while also wondering who this race would be broadcasted to, it was probably going to be broadcasted to the darker parts of the web that only slim people had access to. 

I turned to look at Freddie as he glanced in my direction to catch me staring at him and blew me a cheeky kiss, making me blush as I roll my eyes at him. I then took my chance and blew him a kiss as well, watching as his smile only got bigger and he licked his bottom lip hungrily while looking me up and down. He was dressed in a pair of comfortable jeans and a black tank-top that showed all his hard muscles as he stood patiently waiting for the next order of business. A soft bell went off to draw everyone's attention a balcony on the stands that housed many guards, as well as the Warden while she stood near a podium patiently.

I had never saw Warden Harper before, only heard of her on occasion, but looking at her standing before me at the podium to make her announcement was surreal. Her cold deep blue eyes nearly gave me a chill as she scanned the crowd of onlookers as we patiently waited for her speech to take place. Her blonde hair was swept into a tight ponytail that made her forehead look bigger, her lips were painted denim blue with her women's suit being the exactly color copy of her lipstick. She appeared to be uncomfortable but her cold gaze barely gave her away as most people attempted to avoid her stoic expression by looking away from her time and time again.

"Welcome to race #135." She said, pausing as clapping filled the air. "Ten people are presented today to give us entertainment, as well as blood and gore to relinquish in!" She paused once more as a smirk came over her face at the applause that rung through the air. "The people are on the board..."

We all turned to look at a screen that came to life suddenly, I hadn't even realized it was there until it turned on and every name was listed, I knew most of the people's names from hearing them between the VL Gang meetings and conversations. However, the Viper's leader name was Soraj, as that was the only person I never heard spoken about. I looked at the list of names to notice Freddie was labeled as number seven in line, with Hart from West Mafia as number one and Moolah being labeled as number nine, last place. I knew the numbers would flatulate once the race started, as people started to narrow down from the three laps that would be taken today. If was luck if you could kill everyone during your laps but it was also impossible, the track was large enough to be too far ahead or too far behind someone, it's why the race took almost three days. 

"The rules are simple but... there are no rules until later into the race, as usual. Let the race begin!" She said, causing clapping to fill the air as we clapped as well.

I looked over as my stomach dropped and I grabbed the handle, I felt bile rising in my throat but I pushed it down as I opened the car door and slipped inside the car for the first time. As I said before, the back of the car was completely gutted out and a carpeted board was put in place of the backseats. The dashboard was mostly the same, the only main difference was the radio was removed and replaced with multiple switches that were thankfully colored and labeled so we knew what they do. I took a heavy breath while glancing in the back to see the rifles still in place, as well as the sliding window shut so no one could peek inside if they were to get close, which was good. I flinched as Freddie's hand touched mine and I quickly looked over at him as he gave me a concerned expression, I grabbed his hand and pulled it to my lips to kiss his knuckles as he quickly repeated the action to my hand.

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