Chapter Eighteen

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"You look like you need to get blendered like a Mocha Frappe." I rolled my eyes at the most corniest pick-up line known in history.

The smell of bacon was very appetizing but I was immediately disgusted as I looked at Mickey, who was openly admiring a very taken Mocha from the Banners gang, who was sitting across from Freddie with his fist entwined on the table in a non-threatening manner. Mocha's eyebrow rose as he glanced over at Mickey with no amusement on his face while Mickey winked at him before licking his lips suggestively. Mocha only blinked once before turning to look back at Freddie, who simply shook his head and closed his eyes, saying he wasn't dealing with Mickey on any levels today. Surprisingly, a chuckle fell from Mocha's lips at Freddie's reaction as I nibbled on my bits of bacon, still unimpressed with Mickey's attempts to woo the gang leader sitting beside him.

"Blended..." Turner scoffed, also not impressed. "It's pronounced blended, Mickey."

"It's pronounced do you wanna fuck, or no?" Mickey smirked, still making sexual advances at Mocha. "You're my type..."

"Everything is your type." Lloyd huffed, rolling his eyes.

"Jealous?" Mickey asked, cutting his eyes to Lloyd.

"Of what? Your pencil d-" Lloyd started to embarrass Mickey.

"I can see why you wanna leave..." Mocha spoke up, his eyes falling over everyone at the table, even me. "Just get at me before the race and we can talk." Mocha rose to his full height as his eyes lingered on me before rolling over to Mickey. "And I'll take you up on that offer sometime, Mickey."

I could feel Freddie tensed muscles as he sat quietly behind me, I had positioned myself on his lap with my hair pulled into my cheetah-print banana clip that I don't think I will be returning to Mautrice anytime soon. I glanced behind me to see Freddie glaring at the seat that Mocha was once occupying just as Mike moved to the table with a tray in his hand, the bantering at the table immediately silenced just as we all looked at Mike curiously. 

He sat the tray down slowly before taking his seat without really looking up to address anyone, I felt Mikey's uneasiness as he slid away from Mike a little before pretending that his shoes were more interesting. I turned my eyes toward Lloyd just as he dismissed himself without a second word, rising to his feet and simply walking to where Mautrice was serving someone in line. Mike had grabbed his provided fork and started working on his ham omelet, breaking a small bit of it off and putting it in his mouth slowly to chew it. 

"What's up?" Freddie said first, causing Mike to a pause his eating to look up at Freddie.

"Same old, same old." Mike replied, lowering his head so he could go back to eating. "What's up with you?"

"Same shit, different day." Freddie said sternly, his eyes watching Mike like a hawk. 

"You can say that again." Mike said, leaning back in his chair as he tightened his grip around his fork with a lip curl. "I already miss being in solitar-" 

"Surprised they let your snake ass out." Mickey huffed lowly but we still heard it loud and clear. 

My mouth dropped open at Mickey's boldness as Mike glanced over at him with an unsatisfied expression that said much about his feelings toward Mickey, I felt like he was ready to attack him but Mickey knew better and kept his distance. I was nervous about everyone at the table and the way they were ready to jump Mike, because I knew Freddie would probably be the one that attacks first. 

"You're out the group." Freddie said, lightly lifting me to my feet and I stood near him patiently as he rose to his feet, everyone else did as well to dismiss themselves. 

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