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Taehyung frowned while holding Yoongi close him

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Taehyung frowned while holding Yoongi close him. "He left without us", Taehyung said as he held his boyfriend close. Yoongi sighed as he made sure to hold onto Taehyung's arm. "He would never leave without us", Yoongi said quietly.

Taehyung sighed, taking out his phone as he called Jeongguk once again. And once again Jeongguk didn't pick the call up. "We are going home without him", Taehyung said. Yoongi opened his mouth to say something, but Taehyung glared at the male. "End of the discussion Min", Taehyung said.

Taehyung called his dad and soon enough the black car came to pick the two males up. Yoongi got in the back of the car, Taehyung just getting into the passenger seat. "Where is that other male?", Taehyung's dad asked.

Taehyung sighed deeply, his teeth gritting. "He isn't here like you see. I think he left with a stranger", Taehyung blurted out as he shut his eyes closed. "Tae, we both know Ggukkie wouldn't do that. Deep inside your heart, you know that", Yoongi said quietly.

"Just shut up Yoongi", Taehyung snapped as Taehyung's dad tried to focus on the road. "Taehyung, calm down", the man said as he glanced at the pale male that was sitting in the backseat. "So, Youngi, how are you doing nowadays?", The older man asked.

"His name is Yoongi", Taehyung mumbled annoyed. "I am doing alright, thanks for asking sir", Yoongi said quietly his eyes glancing at Taehyung before looking at the older man.

"Did you had fun at the party?", He asked softly. Taehyung glared at his dad. He hated it how friendly his dad was to Yoongi. He always asked himself why he wasn't enough. Why he couldn't be like Yoongi.

"Oh, it was fun. Taehyung is good in dancing I can say", Yoongi said as he chuckled softly. The man hummed as he parked the car in front of the huge mansion. Taehyung got out of the car and slammed the car door shut as he just walked up to the door of the mansion.

Yoongi got out of the car, already missing Jeongguk. For sure he loved Taehyung as well, but he could say that the mood changes were kinds creepy. And Taehyung also drunk a bit, he was a bit tipsy and that didn't make the situation any better.

Yoongi slowly made his way upstairs, walking inside Taehyung's room. Taehyung was just laying onto his bed, his eyes closed. Yoongi laid down next to him and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist. "Sweet dreams Taehyung", Yoongi said quietly.

Taehyung just ignored the male and turned around so his back was viewing Yoongi. Yoongi sighed and just rolled over as well, so he could stare at the wall and not Taehyung's back.

- - -

Jeongguk opened his eyes a bit, his eyes glancing around in the darkroom, already cringing by seeing the pictures and posters hanging above the desk. He glanced down at his hands that were tied with a rope onto the bed.

"You're awake already?", Namjoon asked as he got out of the chair he was sitting in. "Namjohn?", Jeongguk asked, recognizing the male out of the park. "Namjoon is my name", Namjoon said as he grabbed a handful of Jeongguk's hair.

Jeongguk gritted his teeth and glanced up at Namjoon. Noticing his swollen left eye was and the red nose. "If you are looking at my face, thank your boyfriend for that", Namjoon said, glaring down at the male.

"Okay, listen up Namjoon. I don't know what you want, but whatever it is, we can talk it out", Jeongguk said. The glare of the male sending shivers down his spine.

"Oh, but baby, I can't talk this out. Taehyung stole something that was mine", Namjoon said as he hovered over the male. "Just ask it him back", Jeongguk said quietly.

"I wish I could, but the male is afraid for me. Afraid I am just like Taehyung, break his heart and leave him behind like trash", Namjoon said as he slowly let go of Jeongguk's hair. "But we have different problems-".

A sharp sigh left Jeongguk's lips. "Okay listen Namjoon, I don't know what your problem is, or what Taehyung stole. But I am sure he regrets it", He said quietly. Namjoon frowned as he got up and lit up a cigarette. "He should regret it, he should carry the regret with him whole his life for hurting Hoseok", the male said.

"Hoseok? It is a male?", Jeongguk asked, trying to understand the whole situation he was in. "Yes~, he is my male. His red-dyed hair, his soft lips, his beautiful eyes and the way his skin shines in the sun", Namjoon mumbled as he shut his eyes closed while taking a hit of his cigarette.

"Oh", Jeongguk mumbled. Already noticing how deep this male was in love with that Hoseok male. Like he had an obsession with the male. "Wait, is that your problem? Are you obsessed with him?", Jeongguk asked quietly.

Namjoon chuckled. "Smart boy", Namjoon said as he laughed softly. "I am obsessed with him, and Taehyung stole him, so I steal what is his", Namjoon said. Jeongguk sighed deeply, glancing at the male. "You'll regret this", he mumbled, just shutting his eyes closed.

"I won't regret this, I'll make Taehyung regret dating Hoseok", Namjoon said, throwing his cigarette out of the window as he glanced at the clock. "I should get going to school, don't think about escaping, yell as loud as you want, my parents aren't home anyway", Namjoon said as he pulled on his shoes.

Jeongguk just let out a soft hum, not even answering the male. Just wanting the male to leave the room and have some rest. He had a headache, possibly because he got hit on the back of his head hard.

Soon enough, the male dozed off. Hoping that once he woke up he would lay next to Taehyung and Yoongi and not in this weird room.

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