chapter 7

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Sophia P.O.V

We should live together from now onwards. I don't like it.

I am following him to the room and I can only able to see his back. He opened the door and we both walked in. Looking around, I can only say one thing
' My room is so small compared to this '

The only attraction in this room is the long widened bed.

From here we can see the full view of the sea through the wide glass window which is in place of wall. May be rich people take rest in this type of luxurious hotels.

I turned my head to see Mr. Steve where he already unpacked his luggage. He slowly removed his shirt buttons. It's just disgusting. I turned my head back by shutting my eyes with my hands.

" You may do that in restroom also " I yelled out without fear.

" Problem is yours not mine.. so,close your eyes... I don't want anyone to see my handsome body " no one is ready to see his body.

I rushed into bathroom without talking anything.

" Hey, come out... I am first " he banged the Door by shouting like a child.

" wait for an hour "I shouted back.

" An hour?...are you going to clean the bathroom " I noticed seriousness in his words.

This feeling gives me more happiness.

He banged the door for few seconds and now it is pleasant. I gazed at my face in the mirror and laughed slightly but quickly it changed to serious.

The man in my dream, my goals, my dad, mom, my happiness everything disappeared in a blink of an eye. The only person who took me away from them is Mr. Steve Johnson. And the only person I hate in my life is him. I am not going to forgive him.

" Hello, Sophia.. How long you take to come out? " he yelled. I worn a bathrobe and opened the door.

" Don't touch my belongings " I said not to touch my things in the room by walking out. He entered in.

" what do you mean by belongings?... you mean that commode, mirror and curtains. If... please remember they are this resort belongings not yours " I understood that he is also rich in sense of humour and definitely lost his mind.

" Hello, I mean.. My soap and my body lotion as my belongings " I said by leaning to the wall.

" I never dare to use them which causes me skin diseases " he quickly shut the door.

" What he mean by that words! " he heard my words and " It means that you may have skin diseases " he yelled out.

" Oh... then stay in the bathroom until you finalize that my soap isn't allergic to you " I locked the door from outside.

" Are you mad? " I quickly dressed myself into twill shorts and casual shirt.

" Open the door, damn it " he is shouting seriously but I stood calm.

" okay fine... sorry " a billionaire asked me to forgive him, I didn't expected it from him. I am the winner.

Mr. Steve Johnson throw your sense of humour in dustbin and roll your handsomeness in a waste paper. I don't want to argue with him but I am liking very much to tease him.

Slowly I opened the door as my phone buzzed suddenly. I took my phone, its Lisa... I lifted the call ...

" Hello " I heard a noise that Steve shuttered the door.

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