chapter 10

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Steve P.O.V

I gazed at her face where I am still holding her.

What I am going to think about her?...

I controlled my thoughts as Sophia stood in standing position.

" Why were you knocking the door continuously?" I asked her with medium voice by running my fingers through my hair to get back into my control.

" because.. there is no reply from you, so I knocked the door continuously " ... Seriously.. is it real or not, she is talking to me politely and normally.

She took her luggage and turned to walk out of my room.

" Where are you going? " I asked her. She turned around to face me.

" I will choose another room to stay " what she is thinking about staying in another room?... and also there isn't another bedroom in this floor.

" There wasn't any other bedroom built here, and.. what mom, granny think of us by seeing us in two different rooms " she gazed at me and thought a while.

" Don't worry, I will sleep on the couch, you can take the bed " I said and she turned her look from me and to the bed.

" Where is my wardrobe? " after settling our needs she asked her first question.

" you can use mine, also it is too large " I expressed.

She unpacked her luggage and I worn my suit. Nanny called us for lunch. Sophia changed her clothes and we both stepped down the stairs where every one is waiting for us.

Max already completed his lunch and slept peacefully on the floor as he followed me to the down stairs.

We sooner completed our lunch. Quill already called me to inform that someone is waiting for me in the art gallery. I stepped front to reach the sill. But I heard a voice from behind which stopped me there itself.

" Where are you going? " I turned my head to see my mom.

" My client is waiting for me at Art gallery, so, I will be back tonight, Mom " I am done and Kevin entered into the script.

" Bro, Shall I come with you? " he seeked for my permission but Mom got my answer.

" No need Kevin, I will manage.. Take some rest " mom chuckled as Kevin shyly returned back to Lisa. Where Sophia reading a book without noticing about what is going around.

I am not going to waste my time. Quill opened the car door for me, I got inside and quickly we reached my Art gallery.

" Sir, Miss. Kate and madam Linda were waiting for you " Linda's personal secretory informed us.
I got down the car.

" Quill, where is Mr. Bill? " he need to be here.

" He is already there inside sir " I should clarify about this meeting quickly. How can my manager allow strangers into meeting hall without my permission.

Suddenly manager bid me good afternoon.

" Good afternoon, sir " he walked with me into the gallery.

" How dare you to permit strangers directly into the meeting hall " I am serious on him, he is afraid of my words and..

" Sir, they came here along with your uncle Mr. Bill, so I am unable to raise my voice... I apologize if it is a mistake " he apologized and Mr. Bill crossing his limits.

Steve Johnson✓Where stories live. Discover now