chapter 17

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Steve P.O.V

Sophia opened the door and stood there staring at me.

We both walked in where we both were tired of attending few meetings one by one without break.

Sophia understood my tiredness as she gave me a way to walk in.

My head spinning around due to heavy head ache.

Ah! I stepped up the stairs quickly and I am not ready to face Linda at this moment.

Sophia followed me to our room. I removed my shoes, coat and fallen on the bed and quickly closed my eyes in a second....

 I removed my shoes, coat and fallen on the bed and quickly closed my eyes in a second

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I heard some foot steps followed the way through me.

She placed her hand on my shoulder and sat beside of me.

" Steve... " oh my god, I lost my self in her words.

I turned to her by closing my eyes.

" Are you okay? " she asked me by placing her hand on my forehead.

" It wasn't hot but why you are looking so dizzy? " she understood me very well.

" It's not fever... my head is aching " I replied slowly by turning other side not to face her.

She sat silently for a while and quickly walked away to open her wardrobe.

Maybe she is going for a bath but I need some rest.

I rested my head on my arms hugging my head with my palms.

But a hand disturbed me again.

I am out of control, I may slap anyone now.

I seriously turned to see who is that?

I opened my eyes and " what the.... " yelled seriously.

It's Sophia holding a small bottle in her hand.

She was afraid of my voice. I gazed at her.

" I am sorry but I had a medicine for that.. Trust me " she replied by sitting aside of me.

I am not going to let her play with my head.

I turned my head by signing not interested.

She chuckled. " Steve, listen to me you can feel better.. also my dad always wanted this when he suffers a mild head ache " Hmm.. she is convincing me by saying Robert uncle as an example.

Finally, I am convinced.

Again I shifted to her without opening my eyes. I heard that she is laughing.

" Place your head on my lap " I tried to think.

" Don't think any thing just place your head on my lap " I did as she said.

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