chapter 15

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Steve P.O.V

Finally I met lawyer Coulson as he handed me some papers which need our signatures on them.

Sophia will be happy by this.

I will do this after Linda walk out from my house.

I like to be with Sophia but the problem is she doesn't like it.

Anyway, I need her happiness and at the same time I don't want Linda...

I forgot about her! I don't know, what shit she is doing in my house?

I quickly took my phone from my pocket.

The only person I can call now is only Sophia.

But what if she doesn't like to talk with me... Ah! Why am I thinking about that, we both were now good friends.

I may call her and also can message her.


I called her.

With in second ring she lifted the call.

" Hello! Sophia " My voice is low.

" Yah! Tell me Steve? "

Oh my god, I just placed my hand on my heart to check whether my heart is there or it flew away by listening to her calling my name sweetly.

" ... Ah! Is everything fine in the house " I asked her increasing my voice a bit louder.

I heard that she is laughing.

" Steve, everything is fine here, Don't worry.. she is now in a good sleep "

Sleeping, I checked my watch for time and it's already 10'O clock.

" Are you coming or gonna stay there in your office? " she asked me as a wife waiting for her husband late night.

" Why aren't you in sleep yet? " I asked her curiously to know if she is waiting for me or she is doing some other work!

" ... Of course I am waiting for you and also doing my work " girls never understand to men, she just answered my question to make me confuse.

" I will be there in 10minutes " I replied by taking my brief case from the table by seizing the call.

As I said, I am home with in 10 minutes. And as usual Sophia opened the door.

" Oh! You weren't drunken today " she asked me as I am a man who addicted to alcohol.

" Hah! I am not in a mood off " I thrown the brief case where Sophia caught it perfectly.

" Nice, catch and I am hungry " I replied by stepping up with Max who always wants to be with me.

" Didn't you finished your dinner yet? " This is the question I expected from her.

" Of course not, what's in that? " I replied by slowing the speed of my steps on to the stairs.

" Oh! If you ignore your meals, I will tell the truth about you and Linda to Aunt Helen... Keep in mind my dear husband "


This word is increasing my feeling on her.

If she decides.. she never change her decision, she will tell mom definitely.

" Okay, from tomorrow onwards I will complete my dinner before 9'O clock " I replied without turning back.

Hmm! Every one is demanding.

Steve Johnson✓Where stories live. Discover now