chapter 33

496 44 11

Steve P.O.V

Finally I seized the entry doors for strangers who are trying to destroy my company.

It's time to take rest for a while, I am tired.

Maybe a coffee from Sophia will clear my mind.

I need to head back, it's already 8'O clock.

Oh my god! I asked her to pack the bags.

She will be waiting for me.

God, please! Try to change her mind from scolding me.

Quickly, I reached home where Kevin rushed into his room without fear.

Wait a minute, I am an ex-CEO..

Then why should I be fearful in front if her.

She can't do anything.

Hah! I am a superhero.

Let me handle this with my finger.

I quickly stepped up where Max and Candy slept on the couch.

Max heard my presence and opened his eyes.

He didn't moved over from there but lifted his eyes.

What happened?

Does Sophia really angry on me?

No. No. No... I know Sophia is well educated and I think that she know about how to scold a person without making much noise.

Hmm, I can save my identity if she scolds me silently.

I removed my shoes and held them with my hands and walked towards our room.

I thought for a while and knocked the door.

She opened it for second knock.

I gazed at her where she stared at me continuously.

Does she preparing herself to fight!!!

That's not fair.

I am tired of work and I can't manage this anymore.

She maintained silence for a minute.

Her silence is killing me than her words.

She offered me a way to get in.

I gazed at her for a second and walked in by leaving my shoes outside and removing my coat.

" Are you alright? " she asked me.

I turned back by dropping the coat on the couch.

" Hah! Just tired.. " I said and observed the bags aside of the table.

She found my gaze.

" Ah! I tried to pack your clothes too. So, I think I did it well " she said, oh god.. I need to tell her that we are going tomorrow but not now.

Steve Johnson✓Where stories live. Discover now