chapter 20

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Sophia P.O.V

              Why Maria auntie called me?

I returned the call and she lifted within the second ring.

         " Hello " I said by gazing at my hand.

        " Hello, Sophia… Thank god! You returned the call. Your dad is in hospital, Another stroke Sophia" she said slowly and softly.

I dropped my phone shockingly as Max caught that with his mouth and ran back towards Steve.

I got into conscious and followed the way towards Steve as he is talking to Aunt Maria by wiping his face with towel.

I gazed at him and he turned back to see me.

What happened to Dad?

Is he fine?

How does it happened?.

Oh my god, these questions increased my fear.

He walked towards me by dropping the towel on the couch and took my hand by talking to  Aunt Maria. He grabbed me down the stairs.

          " Steve,… Steve… what happened? " I said as a tear escaped from my eyes.

He gazed at me and everyone is watching us.

    " Hey, Sophia what happened? " Lisa asked us by walking towards us.

But Steve is yanking me.

    " Where you guys going, Steve? " Helen aunt asked us.

He doesn't gave them a look.

And we both quickly got into his car.

I am afraid.

Tears made their way to escape from my eyes drop by drop.

If I doesn't see my dad in a minute, my mind will stop working and my heart will stop functioning.

Steve drove the car crossing the speed limit. My hand is still under his grip.

We reached.

I saw Maria Auntie stood at the entrance. Without having second thought, I got down the car. Aunt Maria walked towards me.

          " Auntie, What happened?, Is he fine or not?… please tell me. Either let me see him. Please.. " I am unable to control myself.

She grabbed me into a corridor in 7th floor. Steve took my another hand.

I saw my mom cupped her head and sat in the chair which is aside to the wall. She observed us as Maria auntie showed me the way to dad's room.

Steve and aunt followed me.

I opened the glass door where my dad is lying on the bed like a dead man, I gazed at the monitor aside of him.

It's blinking and showed me his heart rate up to 75. I inhaled happily and now I am stress less.

Aunt placed her hand on my shoulder.

           " It's just by luck Sophia,… and also it's third stroke. He is alive now and if this happen again, we need to lose him " she said although she is a doctor and our close relative.

         " How does it happened? " Steve asked her.

         " Last night, he came back to home ending Mr. Stephen's party and fell on the couch… we both were surprised and I found sadness in his face, I don't know what happened in the party. If anything happened in the party, then it was the reason to admit him here " I gazed at Steve as he caught my eye contact.

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