chapter 11

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Steve P.O.V

I slept comfortably on couch than on bed.

Slowly I opened my eyes where Max gazing at me silently. I took off my bed sheet and looked around. Sophia is still sleeping and its already seven. I arose up from the couch as Max jumped into the bed and tried to wake her up. I hurriedly ran to her.

She again starts scolding me if I wake her up. I don't want to get dumb in this small age.

" Max, your behaviour isn't nice... get down from the bed otherwise I will erase your favourite meat from your everyday menu " I whispered not to disturb her sleep but Max forgotten to listen my words in these days.

What to do!!!!!

" Max, I found Julie address... Do you want it? " I again whispered, this time max just gazed at me seriously even after saying his girlfriend address.

What happened??.. Are they broken up!!.. I don't think so coz Julie is the only female dog looks beautiful in this colony.

" You are a playboy Max.. Gausendhiet.. and I am proud of you my boy " I whispered.

I walked aside of the bed and tried to take a hold at his belt to drag him out from the bed. When I tried to hold him, he just skipped away quickly from his place and I shifted the pillows in position aside of her.

But suddenly I observed the moment in Sophia. If she sees me here along with her in the bed, she definitely breaks my ear drum.

I have no choice except to sleep here quietly... I quickly slept there aside of her and I closed my eyes getting myself ready to bare her words.

It's pleasant... What is happening around me?...

I can guess that she got off from the bed without talking anything but she observed me. I opened my eyes where she rushed into bathroom.

Max gazed at me " Is she fine? " I asked Max.

He gazed at me for a second and slowly walked out by rolling his head down.

" It's really a terrible situation for Max.. God.. give him peace ... I know it hurts more when we broken up with our loved one's " I mumbled.
" But he deserves best " ... " Uh!.. Why isn't he learning from me to move on " really do he deserves best.

' thud '
I heard a sound. May Max fallen down or Sophia...

I forgot to think about her strange behaviour and should know how I am feeling now.

I am in shock that Sophia didn't yelled at me. That's the only thing I can think and feel.

Later I got readied and walked into the hall.

Today I am going to finish my lunch at Linda's house. And also I need to ask Sophia about that she is interested to paint for my art gallery. Before that I should find which is her favourite?...

Sophia stepped out of the room, everyday she looks beautiful... some times she looks more gorgeous than before day. She just wear casuals everyday but she looks beautiful in them every time.

Last night, I am thinking about to hire a lawyer for our divorce... May be this is the best gift I can give her.

If I stay here like this of wasting time. I will be late to Office.

Me and Max followed the steps to get down. We found Lisa stepping down the stairs along with us. It is a perfect time to ask her about Sophia's likes. I cleared my throat.

Steve Johnson✓Where stories live. Discover now