chapter 21

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Steve P.O.V

I never expected that Robert uncle mind Sebastian words.

It's all because of him.

I made a mistake by not kicking out Sebastian from the party.

Now, I lost a precious gem.

He is more than a well wisher and more than a best friend.

We used to have our lunch together before marrying Sophia.

And sometimes I also dropped him at his place after heavy work.

He will be there with me when I am staying late night in office.

Such a talented person he is. He can solve any thing in a snap, and he is the reason to be my company in number one.

He always taught me one thing that not to interfere in unnecessary and unusual matters.

But he never taught me how to lead my company without him.

He should answer me for this question.

I always trust him.

And he just lives in a small house along with his family. I never saw him wearing a costly suits or shirts. He always likes to be simple.

Everyone in the company respects him and bid him good morning ever day even me also bid him the Same every day.

He takes care of everyone along with the employees.

He is my dad's gift and memory.

And I had my dad's memory until this morning. Now I lost that too.

And Sophia is Uncle's gift and his memory.

To my dad Robert uncle is a gift and for me Robert uncle is a memory.

To Robert uncle Sophia is a gift and for me Sophia is everything.

I lost my father at small age but she lost her father after she married... its a hell.

She is so sensitive and I won't let others to play with her weakness.

I am not divorcing her anymore.

I need her and I want her. Robert uncle told me before dying that to take care of her and not to hurt her.

And I will.

I need her to be happy even after her father's death.

I need to secure the last memory that my dad and uncle left for me.

-----------we reached Sophia's house...

Sophia got down the car quickly and ran inside where her mom, my mom, Lisa, Kevin, Maria aunty, grandma, sat around Sophia's mother and everybody kept quiet.

Sophia slowly stepped the stairs and I think to her room.

Sophia's mother gazed at her and everyone eyes followed Sophia's steps towards the stairs.

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