chapter 28

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They arose up when I walked in.

Kevin reached Lisa's side. I handed them few papers.

" Steve, is everything alright! " she asked me by holding the papers.

" Everything is fine mom, we just need to say something " Kevin boosted out first.

I laughed slightly.

" There isn't anything to worry about, Mom... We just decided to transfer our shares to you and we also decided to appoint Lisa as the manager of this company " I said as they both gazed at me shockingly.

" But brother, why you selected me for this!., I am just an art student and I don't know anything about business " Lisa expressed her thought.

" There isn't anything to do.. Just sign where ever we asked to, and we will handle everything " Kevin explained her.

But I can read my mom's expression.

She is still having a doubt.

I held my mom's hand.. " Mom, do you remember about Robert uncle's saying.. " she risen up her head to me and the rest gazed at me.

" When the kingdom is full of cunning and rotten men, king should save his people and his kingdom by keeping a mask as solider to defend his kingdom from them... Now, my company is going to be in trouble.. I should save it from them. And I only have this plan to defend my company... " I said by gazing at her.

" Just sign the papers and you will be the next CEO after I resign. After you can change the will if you didn't want to continue as a CEO.. I will accept anything you decide, I want my dad's memory.. I think you understand me " I continued.

She thought for a while, " You know, Robert uncle is the last hope when your father died.. He did many things for us, he even neglected his family to save your dad's dream... And you know what's your dad's dream is? " an eye drop escaped from her eyelid.

I gazed at her because my dad always dream of company.

" You are his dream, and Robert brother always strained to save you from the bitches.. He also saved this company for you, because he wanted you to be in great place... And you know why I asked you to marry Sophia!.. Because at least we can pay back him like that... Now, you are asking me to sign for the CEO. I can and I am going to write the will now itself.. But the next chief executive officer is not you.. I am going to appoint Mrs. Steve Johnson as the Chief executive officer of this company.. You guys have any doubt.. " she said by signing the papers after writing the will.

We didn't argued about that.

She wiped her tears and turned to Kevin.

" Sophia is owning 35% of shares and Lisa is owning 25% of shares.. You are also my daughter-in-law " she cupped Lisa's face where Kevin gazed at me.

I understood his reaction and I chuckled.

" Okay, we need to go Steve.. " Mom said by holding Lisa's hand.

" Where are you going? " me and Kevin asked them at a time.

" Sophy is waiting for us in the mall.. Christmas shopping with my daughter-in-laws.. See you guys" she said and they both walked out as Kevin followed them to drop them at the mall.

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