chapter 13

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Do me a favour dears. Please make me smile by clicking the star in the end of the chapter and please share your feelings with me by commenting friends.

Steve P.O.V

We both shared a shake hand.

" Now, tell me how can I help you! " she asked me.

I turned my head and thought for a while by gazing at her.

" My art gallery is getting scarce of artists... we need some painters who can raise up the gallery with their paintings... It's the only hope for my mom to survive by seeing my dad in that gallery... I found your painting past night and your art is excellent... so, can you paint some for the art gallery?" I asked her with fear in my heart.

" That's a small help... I can and if you don't mind.. I know some people who can paint amazing compared to me... also they were searching for sponsors, why can't you help them!? " she replied casually.

" Of course, I am ready to be their sponsor... I can bare anything for the gallery " I said by turning back my head to see the sunset.

" I will tell them tomorrow.. don't worry " she whispered as I gazed at her.

May I misunderstood her?!.. she is so sweet..

I observed her.

She looks more beautiful in the shade of sunshine where he is heading back to his home.

Max is observing us and what about rabbit?

" Are you going to return the rabbit to a pet care centre? " I asked her, I don't want to lose her small happiness because of Max.

" No, you promised me know..Candy will stay with me "

Oh my god she is trusting me now. This feeling was wonderful. I can't stand on my foot if feel like this.

We waited till the dark fill the entire place around us.

" Shall we go? " I asked her.

" Yeah " she replied with lovely look.

We both took our seats as Max already in his place looking out from the window.

She is looking tired.

Candy is sleeping the whole day.

Sophia slept quietly.
Sooner we reached home.

" Sophia... " I called her name to wake her up without daring to touch her.

She slowly opened her eyes.

" We were back home...come lets go " I said by snapping out my seat belt.

Nanny opened the door.

" Where you two gone the whole day? " she asked us where we were unable to give reply.

Nanny understood us and left the way to reach our room.

We both yanked into our room by ourselves.

------------- next day morning

Someone praising me to wake up.

I opened my eyes where Sophia stood in front of me folding her hands and gazing at me silently.

I changed my position to sit on the bed.

" Good morning " I said by gazing at her.

" What happened? Why are you shouting like that? " I asked her by setting my hair style.

" You are getting late to Office " how can I be late to office and also I have an important meeting at 9'O clock.

I turned my head to check the time. It showed 8:45.

Steve Johnson✓Where stories live. Discover now