chapter 32

497 41 11

Author P.O.V

' Hello.. Mary, Are you going to do that.. '

' Yes, Mr. Jacob.. We need to do this ' Sebastian is watching a play in television where her daughter unplugged the wire.

" Linda, you are insane.. I am on my nerves and tensed about their descision " Sebastian boosted out with a disappointed look.

" Dad, it's not important.. we need to sort out something else " Linda said by taking her seat in front of his couch.

He leaned forward to her and "what are you talking about? ".

" About the new CEO " she whispered.

" what? " he yelled loudly.

" shh! Dad be quiet " she shuts his mouth with her palm.

" Linda, what are you talking? " he said by taking off her hand from his mouth.

" Yes, dad.. Steve made his move.

And in a week, Mrs. Helen Johnson will announce the new CEO of the company " she said by cursing under her breathe.

" Means, our plan is going to be in trash. Right " he said by squeezing his hand.

" Yah dad, there isn't any use to prove him with a disorder... " she said.

" Then, Do you know about who is going to take the charge as CEO " her dad asked her.

" It's not Mrs. Helen and not Mr. Kevin.. it's.. Mrs. Steve Johnson " she said by placing the glass on table.

" what?.. how can Every one agree with that?... we need to do something...
.. we should do something, Linda" he said.

" Dad.. you are right but our plan bounced back. Let's start our play with the help of Nanny.. and from now.. Mrs. Sophia Johnson is our main target " Linda said with a cunning look.

" But.. quickly we need to do something before she become CEO.. how can we? " he doubted something by scratching his head.

" we can... " Sebastian gazes at his daughter.

" How? " he asked her.

" let's help the workers to raise their voice about the new CEO... Steve never deny their words. They are now our puppets in our show... " she smiled widely.

Sebastian also joined with her.

--------- next day morning....

Steve held his wife in his arms tightly and Sophia felt warm.

She quietly slept under his presence.

Suddenly a call from Quill disturbed his sleep.

He took his phone without disturbing Sophia.

" Hello.. " he slowly said without opening his eyes.

" Sir.. I am Quill. Your Secretary " he introduced himself.

" What's the matter Quill? " he asked him.

" Ah! Good morning sir.. " he bid him good morning.

" Did you called me to say this!.. " Steve fired on him.

" No.. No.. No, sir.. I called you to inform that Miss. Linda met his father yesterday.. I think they are planning something else sir " he said.

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