Chapter 12

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^^ George the Basket


"Because, you're coming with me."


"Like this?" I asked, holding the basket I weaved up for Emut's approval.

He lifted his gaze from his own masterpiece, his eyes carefully examining my work. A small smile graced his face and he moved closer to me, from his seated position on the floor in front of me.

It had been a long and grueling hour, in which Emut had led me to a secluded hay hut and showed me the basics of basket weaving and, another 40 minutes for me to construct my own, under his watchful care.

"It's good, Hanna, but remember what I taught you. You have to choose either coiled, twined or plaited and use that weaving style for the whole piece." He explained gently, brushing his fingers against the different entangled fibres of the basket; his eyes alit with amusement.

"You've combined all three into one basket." He added with an airy laugh and my cheeks heated up in embarrassment at his words. I pulled the basket back defensively which only made his laughter increase two-fold and I huffed loudly.

"I know the three styles. I just wanted to- I wanted it to look really extravagant." I explained sheepishly and rather pathetically, might I add.

Emut smiled at my explanation, nodding his head and I rolled my eyes at the smirk on his face. Taking the basket from my hands, he lifted it close to his face and inspected it yet again. He rotated it in his hands, biting his lip in thought.

"It does look extravagant." He commented jokingly and I leaned forward, nudging him in the arm before snatching the basket yet again and tucking it behind me protectively.

"I don't need to sit here and let you make fun of me. Or, George, for that matter" I rambled out, only realising after what I had shared and I groaned in annoyance as his hazel eyes lit up again. Burying my head in my hands, I listened as he let out a long-drawn whistle.

"George, huh?" His deep voice muttered and I could practically hear the smirk on his face, despite not looking at him.

"Go away." I said simply, the sound muffled by my hands and I heard him laugh again at my words.

Raising my face from my hands, I glared at him with all the intensity I could muster, but I could not help the smile that was tugging at my lips. Emut raised his hands in a form of 'surrender' before leaning back and leaning on his palms.

"Well, can you at least tell George that his choice of design means he is very unstable and he will most likely fall apart by the end of the day." He commented, a serious tone to his voice and I gasped loudly, jutting George closer to my side.

"At least try to lower your voice, he's right here!" I scolded jokingly, a small smile on my face and Emut let out a laugh before hauling himself up and jutting out a tanned hand in my direction. I took it with a muttered 'thanks'.

"I'll try to be more conscientious of his emotions next time, I promise." Emut murmured with a smirk before reaching down to grab the baskets he made and putting them on a clay table at the side, along with a few dozen other baskets of either similar or more intricate design. I giggled at his words, glaring playfully at him as I watched him pick George up and turn to me.

"I can't tell you honestly that he'd be of any use in the festival, but take it as a souvenir of your first attempt." He consoled handing it over to me and I grimaced at his words, snatching the basket from his grasp.

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