Chapter 28

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S. A. A


"You may come in."

I opened the door to Negus's study, smiling as I saw that he was sat in his regular seat behind his desk, writing away on a paper.

"How are you feeling now, Negus?" I asked warmly, sitting myself opposite him. He gave me a small smile at this before lifting his teapot and pouring some into a cup for me. I took it gratefully when he passed it, watching as he sat back and took his own cup in his hands.

"I'm feeling quite well, thanks to you." He replied and I smiled bashfully at his words, taking a sip before spitting it out immediately when I tasted the bitterness. Negus raised an eyebrow knowingly at this and I smiled sheepishly, wiping at my mouth.

"Are you not fond of ginger cardamom tea, Hanna?" He asked, sipping his own and I let out a small dry laugh before placing the cup onto the desk.

"Can't say that I am." I commented and Negus smiled at this before leaning forward in his chair.

"You wished to discuss something?" He asked and I nodded slowly, thinking back to yesterday's battle. We had reached home more quickly, using Ayla's transportation, seeing as she could travel to places that she knew and had freshened up before going straight to bed. I didn't allow myself to think too hard into anything that had happened and had fallen immediately into a deep slumber. But now, having woken up an hour ago, I wanted to share my concerns with Negus. He observed me intently as I thought of how to phrase my disarrayed thoughts.

"Negus, I- I'm confused." I let out simply and he raised his cup to his lips, listening as I continued.

"I want to help and I'm glad I did yesterday, but I want to do more- more than I'm doing now." I explained and Negus raised an eyebrow at this.

"And this is an issue?" He asked and I sighed deeply, placing the leather book, he had given me, on the desk. He glanced at it before turning back to look at me.

"I've been trying every day and I'm getting nowhere. How can I be the prophecy if nothing's happening. What do I do?" I questioned, seeking his wisdom and he sat back, looking out the window, his green eyes full of knowledge.

I waited patiently as he sighed before placing his hands back onto his cup.

"You'll know who you are when you are the person you want to be." He spoke in an ambiguous manner, his tone calm and my eyebrows furrowed at his words.

"I don't understand." I admitted honestly and Negus smiled at this, turning back to look at me.

"In time, you will."


I replayed Negus's words back in my head as I walked past the courtyard. I didn't understand and I felt more confused than I did before seeing him. It was as though there was something I wasn't seeing: something more.

I had generally always been a patient person, but I wasn't in this case. The desire to do something more rung within me like bells and I felt exasperated at the feelings that ran through me. I was stuck in a rut, one of which I had no clue how to pull myself out of. For that, I would need clarity. I sighed, trying to clear my head. If Negus said it would happen in time then I would think about it at a later point. There was no use stressing myself out about something that was not entirely in my control.

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