Chapter 59

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"What?" I said in surprise, looking to Maya and Ayla in shock.

Demir raised an eyebrow at our behaviour.

"Is it really all that surprising? After all, it was probably going to be answered by one of us three." He teased, gesturing to Abrax and Emut to which Emut laughed, leaning back on his palms from where he sat on the dining table.

"So, that's one point to the boys." He joked and Abrax high-fived him in agreement.

I gaped at this, my eyes narrowing, but it was Maya who spoke.

"If you apes wish for this to be a competition then so be it! For the next key, we'll find it, I swear to you that!" She spat out, putting an arm around my back and I nodded in agreement as Demir raised an eyebrow, his eyes glimmering.

"Oh? So, it's a competition. I wander what rewards await the winner." He mused, a ghost of a smile on his face and I let out a small huff.

"The winning team gets to choose what they wish and the losing team can't oppose." I said, eyeing them flatly and Emut laughed yet again, brushing a hand through his hair.

"Boys, decide what you want now; this will be too easy." He finalised confidently and Abrax nodded with a laugh, making Ayla let out a gasp to which he shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. I kept my challenging gaze on Emut, raising an eyebrow at his words.

"Are we to keep talking of your false delusions or will you share the riddle answer now?" I asked poignantly and Emut smiled before picking up the paper that they had been writing on, reciting the eerie words we had heard not long ago.

"From the child who was born on a mountain of gold;

From the creatures whose names were written in old.

If you wish to live to see tomorrow

Then let me drink your crystal sorrows.

Then feed me more of what you need to function,

A shade of berries that oozes seduction.

A drop of corruption and a drop of innocence,

Only with both of your acts of beneficence.

Only then can you achieve,

The key that you so desperately need."

Maya let out a huff, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yes, we were aware of what she had said! What of it?" She snapped and I nodded as Emut leaned forward, his palms still resting against the table.

"'Let me drink your crystal sorrows?' She speaks of tears." He said simply and I cursed internally that I hadn't thought of that.

"And what of the shade of berries?" I asked curiously to which Demir huffed as though the answer was obvious.

"Feed me something you need to function that is the shade of berries- do you need us to spell it out for you?" He teased, a bored look on his face as he looked to me. I ignored the taunt and thought, instead, of his words.

"Blood." I answered, the dots finally adding together and Abrax nodded happily.

"A drop of corruption and a drop of innocence- it's all we need." He explained and I turned to look at the boys with a pursed smile, not wanting them to know that I was impressed with their quick thinking.

"So let's give some blood and a tear to her and get it over with!" Maya urged to which Emut stepped off the table, shaking his head.

"It can't be just any of us." He spoke and my eyebrows furrowed at his words.

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