Chapter 65

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We walked up the stairs towards the dining room then and I looked to Maya.

"I'm starving." I admitted and she nodded, flicking her hair back.

"I could eat a whole horse right about now." She commented and I grimaced at her words as we walked towards the orange glow of the room.

Suddenly, something gripped at my elbow, pulling me back out and I looked up to see Emut, his hand around my arm. I flitted my gaze back to the door to see that everyone had now walked in, the sound of laughter and clattering plates emanating into the hallway. I snapped back to look at Emut, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion to which he smiled slightly, his hair blowing with the afternoon wind.

"I feel like I haven't seen you today." He murmured, his deep voice running along my spine and making me shudder. I frowned slighty at his words.

"We were just together a minute ago." I remarked to which he laughed slightly.

"I suppose we were." Was all he said, his golden eyes staring into me. I maintained the eye contact as I spoke.

"Although it has been a while since we've hung out, especially without the training sessions we had back home." I noted and Emut's eyes lit up at my words.

"You called it home." He stated, a curious tone in his voice and I nodded with a small smile.

"Because it is." I said simply, speaking out the feelings that were in my head for a while now. Going back to Earth had reinforced that for me now and I didn't regret the decision I had made.

He didn't say anything else on the matter besides nodding before gazing to my form slowly.

"It suits you." He commented, his eyes on my attire and I blushed profusely, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"Thanks." I muttered weakly to which Emut raised an eyebrow in question, a smirk on his face. I glared in response to which he laughed slightly, brushing a hand through his brown locks.

"No, I mean it. You should wear it more often." He added genuinely, making me redden even more, if it was possible. He laughed more at this before flicking the top of my hat, making me grumble in annoyance.

"I could say the same to you." I joked before raising myself on tiptoes due to his tall form. He watched with an intent golden gaze as I took the straw hat off my head and placed it onto him, making a smile break out on his face.

"See, look how good you look." I teased, my hands still on the borders of the hat as he looked to me with a smile. I wasn't lying with that statement; he could make a trash bag look good as a hat.

He raised an eyebrow at my words as I let my arms drop to side.

"Really? Well, I'll take your word for it." He joked before pulling the hat off and twirling it with a finger.

"But, I won't do it as much justice as you did." He added with a shrug, placing it back in my hands before walking around me and to the dining room door.

"Come on." He called and I shook my head with a smile before placing the hat against my head and turning to follow him.

At this point, everyone was sat in their trademark seats and I rushed over to Ayla's side as she chewed down on her food. Smiling, I turned as Emut remained standing at the front of the table, a serious look on his face. He looked miles away from his playful demeanour and we all raised our heads to look at him, knowing he had something to say. He kept his vacant gaze to the distance as though he was reminiscing. He seemed to hesitate for a few moments before he spoke.

"I should have prepared us for today in the sea caves. It was a mistake to lead you all to place where we had no idea what we were up against. I need to make sure that doesn't happen again." He began, his voice tinged with anger and it was directed to himself.

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